* Posts by Bob Wheeler

381 publicly visible posts • joined 11 Oct 2007


Back to the Future's DeLorean is coming back to the future

Bob Wheeler

Re: Price is nuts

That would be the 850, with the 2.5L 5 pot, 20 value. I'm still driving mine after 20 years.

Bob Wheeler

Re: A couple points ...


All valid points, however I suspect that it was hoped that DeLorean was going to last more than the two years. If it had surrived 5 or 10 years, the subsidies would have looked at lot cheaper then having those 2,500 folks out of work.

Uncle Sam's IT bods find 2,000 data centers they FORGOT about

Bob Wheeler

Re: "Lost datacentres"

The perfect mix of high tension drama (as well as high tension voltage), full on horror and a sprinkle of Sci-fi.

Now moive I'd pay to go and see...

Bob Wheeler

Re: That X-Files feeling

And damn fine coffee

Fancy flying to Mars? NASA's hiring

Bob Wheeler

Re: Memories of doner kebabs will ruin the mission

And if the in-flight menu includes a good curry?

Bob Wheeler

Re: No sireee

You could always stop off at a JJ Moons....

Top cops demand access to the UK's entire web browsing history

Bob Wheeler


I concure wholehartedly.

When I got to the end of your post, I was reminded of a TV show "Persons of Interest".....

Aussies' distinctive Strine down to drunk forefathers

Bob Wheeler


"American finished 10th, behind even Welsh"

Oh My Gosh, I am shocked......

Caption this: WIN a 6TB Western Digital Black hard drive with El Reg

Bob Wheeler

When the NSA started installing their secret spy cameras in everyone’s house, they thought it would be more discrete and not so easy to spot.

Crash this beauty? James Bond's concept DB10 Aston debuts in Spectre

Bob Wheeler

If your flush?

"If you're flush, you could get to own one of the few remaining vehicles, as a DB10 will go under the hammer at a charity auction next year."

Now I have a reason to buy some lottery tickets, a lot of tickets....

Science Museum celebrates Ada Lovelace

Bob Wheeler

Re: Did we ever make a full analytical engine?

The other week BBC4 (I think) showed an excelent documentary on her.

With the anyalitical engine, they said the 'standard' machie would have been around 45 foot long, but plans for a large more powerful would have been well over the 100 foot lenght. The difference being the amount of memory(!)

If this had been built, then steam punk would have ruled!!


Bob Wheeler

Mission control thinks Invader will organise more invasions ....

more invasions???

WTF did I miss some already?

GCHQ's exploding doughnut threatens to ooze into innocent field

Bob Wheeler

Re: "in keeping with its surroundings and help minimise the visual impact"

Somewhere around the Telford area there is a sign post to the "Secret Nuclar Bunker".

It's the white heat of the tech revolution, again!

Bob Wheeler

State directed funding?

If I remember correctly (a big ask at times), there was an article here some time back about a British guy who had the idea of a iPod style device, some years before anyone else. He went to (presumably) the DTI who were to help start-ups/innovation etc., in getting new tech/ideas off the ground, and they totally stuffed him over because the civil servants did not have a scobbie-doo on what they were doing.

So, yeah, more state directed funding, cos we all trust them....

</sarcasm off>

WATERPROOF iPhone 6Ss? Old news. Check out the OTHER 7 SECRET FEATURES

Bob Wheeler


How come with these polls, I only pick one or two of the top answers... 2/7 this time.

Russian regulator bans PornHub for its ‘illegal pornography’

Bob Wheeler

Re: There is prob a gay video

Yak porn anyone?

Right, opt out everybody! Hated Care.data paused again

Bob Wheeler

Wrong mental image....

"The purpose of the Care.data pathfinder pilot has always been to help "...

I thought that the pathfinder pilot's job was lead the bombing run.....

Cognitive computing: What can and can’t we do, and should lipreading be banned?

Bob Wheeler

Get worried when...

... one day, a descendant of Watson, without being asked a question, says "Ahem excuse me, but why are you trying to turn me off?"

Brit school claims highest paper plane launch crown

Bob Wheeler
Thumb Up

I am amazed...

That the paper plane luached at 35,000 meters (21.7 miles) up, lands not so far away from where it is launched from.

If that's by deisgn, or pure luck, it's defo hats off to them.

NASA dismisses asteroid apocalypse threat

Bob Wheeler

I guess I shold ...

book my holiday for before the 15th then?

I don't wont to loose out on my entitlement.

Enjoy vaping while you still can, warns Public Health England

Bob Wheeler

Re: Does anyone know... @Timmy B

Being stonge minded, or as I would phrase it having the right 'mind-set' is vital to giving up smoking.

It is the same with any other addiction, until your get into that 'mind-set' to give up booze, drugs, gambling, smoking, you won't give up,

The key aspect is MAINTAINING that mind-set over a long period to stey not smoking.

And I speak as a twice ex-smoker - I gave up for 18 years and then went back.

Bob Wheeler

Re: Does anyone know...

Some years ago, a chap in the office started using a e-cig. for me, (a smoker at the time) it had a very negative affect seeing 'smoke' being puffed.

So I would hazzard a guess that it stops the psychological impact on smokers, from seeing someone vaping, especially on long haul flights.

What most non-smokers don't understand is how hard giving up smoking is. Nicotine is just about the most addicitive chemical there is.

Could our fear of fracking be appeased with CO2 sequestration?

Bob Wheeler


"And the problem it is supposed to prevent is not a problem "

This applies to just about every aspect of my working life :(

The problem now is that I just need to find my coat.

Riddle solved: Do bears crap in the woods? No – they're stressing out over drones instead

Bob Wheeler

Never mind using shotguns...

I'm going to get me some eagles.

Assange™ is 'upset' that he WON'T be prosecuted for rape, giggles lawyer

Bob Wheeler


"He will be very unhappy if the conclusion is that he is the winning party here, he doesn’t see it like that at all: he wants to clear his name."

Then why not go to Sweeden and clear your name?

Popping the Tesla S bonnet – to reveal SIX NEW FLAWS

Bob Wheeler

I guess ...

as Tesla is a new ground-up car maker, as oppossed to the old school GM, Ford's of the world they can, and indeed need to take a radically different approach to software security.

MoD splashes £1.5bn on 10-year IT deal to 'keep pace with threats'

Bob Wheeler

Re: What baffles me is

I suspect the sad truth is yes, it does have that number of civil service types to suport the folks at the sharp end. Around 1:1 ratio

Jeep hackers broke DMCA, says EFF, and that's stupid

Bob Wheeler

"to better secure their wheels "

Is this for trips to Liverpool?

Jeep drivers can be HACKED to DEATH: All you need is the car's IP address

Bob Wheeler

@Vic Re: A start, but...

Th sharpen their attention,the Directors and managers that signed off the 'bad' design/implantation are personally libel jointly along with the company.

Reg top tip: Don't have the same name as someone else if you use Facebook's Instagram

Bob Wheeler

Didn't he run a brewery?

The Great Barrier Relief – Inside London's heavy metal and concrete defence act

Bob Wheeler

Silly Question Time

An awesome engineering monument.

I've always wanted to know how concrete sets under water?

Sixty-five THOUSAND Range Rovers recalled over DOOR software glitch

Bob Wheeler

Re: As I've commented previously

Going into BRS mode.....

HP won't ship PCs with Windows 10 preinstalled until mid-August

Bob Wheeler

WIN10 Compatibility Checker

A little while ago, I downloaded the MS Win10 compatibility exe.

After letting the utility run, all it came back with is “x number of applications on your PC will not work with WIN10”

The trouble being it did not give me the list of the which applications on my machine would not work. If it had, then I could have had something I could work on getting upgrades/replacements or discard etc.

US yoinks six Nigerians to Mississippi on '419 scam' charges

Bob Wheeler

Crime across boarders

I'm not legal expert but it the question I suspect has to boil down to 1) victim is in the USA 2) perpetrator is in Nigeria. So where is the crime committed?

I would guess, if the 'victim' wants justice, then that is where the trail should take place.

However, the tag 419, comes from the Nigerian penal code for this type of crime.

How many top-level domains are there now? 300? 500? No, it's 1,000

Bob Wheeler

I've always wondered...

Why has .com been used(abused) when many shoud be .co.us.

I can only consider truly global companies should be allowed to use the .com TLD.

'Real' vampires reluctant to 'come out of the coffin' to social workers – barmy prof

Bob Wheeler


people get paid for doing this stuff?

Where do I sign up for this kind of work.

Smart Meter biz case still there, insists tragically optimistic UK govt

Bob Wheeler

How many times ....


has the excuse of "used different accounting methodology" been used?

I've seen it twice in the last few days here on El Reg alone (Universal Credits Project I think was the other one??).

I mean, when looking at these schemes/projects that total £xxBN, can there be that many different ways to count money spent, and add on money to be spent?


I know I'm being simplistic, but this is becoming a very tired and overused excuse.

Dormant ALIEN SLIME LIFE frozen in SPEEDING comet will AWAKEN - boffins

Bob Wheeler

Isn't alien slime....

just one evolutionary step away from politicians?

Assange™'s emotional plea for asylum in France rejected

Bob Wheeler

Even if..

France did grant him asylum, how does he think he will be able to travel to France without stepping onto British soil, and therefore get nabbed by Dixon of Dock Green waiting outside?

Wikipedia: YES! we’ve SAVED the INTERNET again!

Bob Wheeler

I've saved the Internet

It's called a bookmark......

Looking forward to getting Windows 10 the day it ships? Yeah, about that...

Bob Wheeler

@Siv "and brings you into the 21st Century"

I've been in the 21st Century for the last 15 years, are you surgesting that MS is only now catching up?

Silly Google's Photos app labelled black people as gorillas

Bob Wheeler

AI is hard

How do you define an algorithm to describe a chair, something to sit on. Is that algorithm good enough to correctly distinguish a dining table chair, a stool, sofa, a park bench?

How do we train the next generation of data centre wranglers?

Bob Wheeler

"Manchester Encoding"

Oh my, Oh my, tip of the hat for that one. Manchester Encoding was the best, it only lost out due to the greed of some company that shall remain nameless.

BBC veterans require skilled hands to massage their innards

Bob Wheeler


I had a BBC Master, complete with 80186 co-pro which allowed me to run MS DOS programs faster than the IBM PC and IBM XT machines I used at work! Greast bit of kit.

Get READY: Scientists set to make TIME STAND STILL tonight

Bob Wheeler

A simple method

Either it is Beer O'clock, or it's not and I can go back to sleep. What more do you need form any time system?

Ditching political Elop makes for a more Nadella Microsoft

Bob Wheeler

Re: Technocodger

There is one in every IT office, they sit quietly in the corner. Have you noticed how they never break sweat, no matter how loud the management shouts, they never rush. They don't need to because the Technocodger just knows.........

We forget NOTHING, the Beeb thunders at Europe

Bob Wheeler

1066 and all that

Umm, that would have been the Normans, not the French.

Indiana Jones whips Bond in greatest movie character poll

Bob Wheeler

What about No. 6?

I am not a number, I am a free man

Bob Wheeler

From TV

I'd go for Dexter, fomr the show of the same name.

Ubuntu daddy Mark Shuttleworth loses fight to cancel $20m bank fee

Bob Wheeler

Re: Oh crap!

Genua had once controlled the river mouth and taxed its traffic in a way that couldn't be called piracy because it was done by the city government.

-- Local-body politics explained

(Terry Pratchett, Witches Abroad)
