Re: Price is nuts
That would be the 850, with the 2.5L 5 pot, 20 value. I'm still driving mine after 20 years.
381 publicly visible posts • joined 11 Oct 2007
The other week BBC4 (I think) showed an excelent documentary on her.
With the anyalitical engine, they said the 'standard' machie would have been around 45 foot long, but plans for a large more powerful would have been well over the 100 foot lenght. The difference being the amount of memory(!)
If this had been built, then steam punk would have ruled!!
If I remember correctly (a big ask at times), there was an article here some time back about a British guy who had the idea of a iPod style device, some years before anyone else. He went to (presumably) the DTI who were to help start-ups/innovation etc., in getting new tech/ideas off the ground, and they totally stuffed him over because the civil servants did not have a scobbie-doo on what they were doing.
So, yeah, more state directed funding, cos we all trust them....
</sarcasm off>
Being stonge minded, or as I would phrase it having the right 'mind-set' is vital to giving up smoking.
It is the same with any other addiction, until your get into that 'mind-set' to give up booze, drugs, gambling, smoking, you won't give up,
The key aspect is MAINTAINING that mind-set over a long period to stey not smoking.
And I speak as a twice ex-smoker - I gave up for 18 years and then went back.
Some years ago, a chap in the office started using a e-cig. for me, (a smoker at the time) it had a very negative affect seeing 'smoke' being puffed.
So I would hazzard a guess that it stops the psychological impact on smokers, from seeing someone vaping, especially on long haul flights.
What most non-smokers don't understand is how hard giving up smoking is. Nicotine is just about the most addicitive chemical there is.
A little while ago, I downloaded the MS Win10 compatibility exe.
After letting the utility run, all it came back with is “x number of applications on your PC will not work with WIN10”
The trouble being it did not give me the list of the which applications on my machine would not work. If it had, then I could have had something I could work on getting upgrades/replacements or discard etc.
I'm not legal expert but it the question I suspect has to boil down to 1) victim is in the USA 2) perpetrator is in Nigeria. So where is the crime committed?
I would guess, if the 'victim' wants justice, then that is where the trail should take place.
However, the tag 419, comes from the Nigerian penal code for this type of crime.
has the excuse of "used different accounting methodology" been used?
I've seen it twice in the last few days here on El Reg alone (Universal Credits Project I think was the other one??).
I mean, when looking at these schemes/projects that total £xxBN, can there be that many different ways to count money spent, and add on money to be spent?
I know I'm being simplistic, but this is becoming a very tired and overused excuse.