* Posts by Bob Wheeler

381 publicly visible posts • joined 11 Oct 2007


BOFH: Honourable misconduct

Bob Wheeler

Re: half eaten chicken kebab!

sounds like you need more practice at beer drinking, a lot more

Fancy owning a two-seat Second World War Messerschmitt fighter?

Bob Wheeler
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I'd go for a de Havilland DH.98 Mosquito

AI racks up insane high scores after finding bug in ancient video game

Bob Wheeler


.. that the AI found a 'bug', or otherwise know as a cheat - as in acting outside of the published rules of the game to achieve it's aim of a high score.

Now if the game is to 'maximise food stores', the AI might discover the optimum cheat is to kill everything that eats food.

Cryptocurrencies kill people and may kill again, says Bill Gates

Bob Wheeler

Re: Never.....


You know this does explain an awful lot.

Full shift to electric vans would melt Royal Mail's London hub, MPs told

Bob Wheeler

So, not just a question of...

.. putting another 50p in the meter then?

Arrrgh! Put down the crisps! 'Ultra-processed' foods linked to cancer!

Bob Wheeler

Web surevy

When asked

1: if you smoke how many per day?

2: if you drink, how much per day?

Really how many folks answer truthfully?

Sorry, Elon, your Tesla roadster won't orbit for billions of years

Bob Wheeler

I hope that....

they took out collision insurance....

South China waters are red, Brit warships are blue, HMS Sutherland's sailing there

Bob Wheeler

"the Global Times demanded that the RN should "behave modestly""

How does HMS Sutherland, a Type 23 frigate behave immodestly?

Just asking like.....

Yorkshire cops have begun using on-the-spot fingerprint scanners

Bob Wheeler

Re: But does it actually save time?

@ grandours

"He is feeling generous, so he lets her off on not having her drivers licence with her."

There is no requirement to carry your driving licence with you.

No yolking matter: Google Translate cock-up gives Norwegians more than un œuf eggs

Bob Wheeler

I wonder if it mat have something to do with the symbol used as a thousand separator.

In the UK we use the comma ',' - while in other parts of Europe they use the full stop '.'

Just a thought.

Secret weekend office bonk came within inch of killing sysadmin

Bob Wheeler

Basement computer room

I worked briefly at one customer site that had their computer room in the deep basement. At ground level, just in front of the building was a ornamental pond. A pond that needed to have a running water feed into it was it leaked badly.

Guess where the water ended up....

Home taping revisited: A mic in each hand, pointing at speakers

Bob Wheeler

Bow wow wow ....

Laser sauce, cheat code, jam seshs: The Waymo vs Uber trial kicks off

Bob Wheeler

Is the Waymo technology somewhere in Uber's technology?

this sounds rather like the SCO vs. IBM case where SCO claimed large chunks of their UNIX code was used by IBM in it's AIX.

If I remember rightly, after exhaustive code analysis, this was shown not the be the case.

Is that you, T-1000? No, just a lil robot that can mimic humans on sight

Bob Wheeler

Mimic this...

Show a demo of picking up a cube, then super glue the cube to the table and let the robot at it....

‘I crashed a rack full of servers with my butt’

Bob Wheeler

you don't leave an important switch where someone might accidentally hit it

Or taking ownership of a new server room, finding that the door release button was right nest to the emergency power down button.

Despite pointing this was a bad idea to the customer, it was only after the second time the room was unexpectedly powered down did they agree to spend about £150 to move one of the buttons.

Dinosaurs gathered at NASA Goddard site for fatal feeding frenzy

Bob Wheeler

@ Paul,

It was opening time at the local pub?

Astroboffins spot sneaky signs that the Milky Way devoured smaller galaxies

Bob Wheeler

Amazing Start Trek like scanning

I find this stuff truly amazing that the geek squads can look at star's 65,000 light years away and analyse them to such details - go boffins.

Uber saddles up for a new cycle of controversy

Bob Wheeler

Re: How about...

@ Andrew

Sounds good at first glance, but it relies on someone wanting to make that journey from an inconvenient place.

Are you taking the peacock? United Airlines deny flight to 'emotional support' bird

Bob Wheeler

emotional support donkey

But what about my emotional support warthog?

Sysadmin crashed computer recording data from active space probe

Bob Wheeler

@ Simon Harris

Geesh, APL, the only programming system that was all but totally unreadable without the well thumbed manual next to you.

Bob Wheeler

Re: Hmmm ...

@ Daedalus,

No, god no, not the token ring MAU's.... oh for the love of god, don't remind me, please don't remind me.

Bob Wheeler

Re: Hmmm ...

@ Dr Syntax

It's the same thing with unplugged Ethernet cables. The data packets leak all over the floor and it's a hell of a job mopping them up again.

Make Apple, er, America Great Again: iGiant to bring home profits, pay $38bn in repatriation tax

Bob Wheeler

Re: Shame they pay no tax elsewhere

I believe Spain has a certain amount of double taxation on income, capital gains, and inheritance tax.

Software that predicts whether crims will break the law again is no better than you or me

Bob Wheeler

Re: indemnity

Perhaps this system is attempting to solve a different problem.

I don't know how many judges there are in the US, but I can assume a great many with all their own bias, having a system that can give a consistent result across all those jurisdictions might be what they are trying to achieve here.

Heathrow's air traffic radio set for shiny digital upgrade from Northrop

Bob Wheeler
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intelligible ATC

It takes a long time to get your ear - and brain, around Air Traffic Control radio conversations. It's very formulaic in it's construction to convey a precise meaning in the minimum number of words. the professionals at places like Heathrow, rattle the stuff out with such speed, for the GA pilots it's hard to keep up, let alone respond in a meaningful way.

Ecuador tried to make Julian Assange a diplomat

Bob Wheeler

Re: Farage

So did Lady Gaga, and your point is?

Bob Wheeler

I'm making a guess here, but would they need to provide a photograph of the newly proposed diplomat?

Remember those holy tech wars we used to have? Heh, good times

Bob Wheeler

NetWare or NT

"there was serious bloodsport over whether NetWare or NT was the better network operating system "

Well I know which one was the best......

At Christmas, do you give peas a chance? Go cold turkey? What is the perfect festive feast?

Bob Wheeler


And dont forget to "stuff it up your jumper"

Millions of moaners vindicated: Man flu is 'a thing', says researcher, and big TVs are cure

Bob Wheeler

A man named Sue

Hyu, you could write a song about that.... oh wait....

Opportunity rover survives Martian winter for eighth time

Bob Wheeler

Missing the obvious

Every time Opportunity rover stops, some homeless guy jumps out from behind a rock to clean the panels looking for a few quid.

No, BMW, petrol-engined cars don't 'give back to the environment'

Bob Wheeler

Re: There is no such thing as a zero emission electric car...


Zathros can never have anything nice...

Nice B5 quote - I watched that episode only the other night.

Bob Wheeler


BMW's are fitted with the new anti-dazzle indicators

Accused hacker Lauri Love's extradition appeal begins

Bob Wheeler

Weid Legal System

"Thanks to the vagaries of the US legal system, this would mean three separate trials for the same alleged crimes, giving American prosecutors multiple attempts to secure a conviction. In the UK, this is not permissible"

I'd like to know how the US justice system can claim that the above situation can be just and fair?

Lock them up and throw away the (don)key

Bob Wheeler

These damn donkey's

It starts with them eating some plants, then they go after your women.

Something must be done about them...........

Why Boston Dynamics' backflipping borg shouldn't scare you

Bob Wheeler

Boston Dynamics'

THey are not owned by Massive Dynamics' by any chance?

Munich council: To hell with Linux, we're going full Windows in 2020

Bob Wheeler

Re: Keep LibreOffice even if you move to MSFT [Was: MS Office? Faster?]

I belive the default within MS Word documents is to keep the last 10 changes - so that you can undo them, saved within the file.

NASA reveals Curiosity 2020's 23-camera payload

Bob Wheeler

Re: I will just point at this collection ...

"I could also just count her shoes again"

I can't count that high........

F-35s grounded by spares shortage

Bob Wheeler

Re: Let's make planes that can't fly......

One of the other major factors in thinking of the politicians, and of the people, is that Great War (as it was known as) had only formally ended in 1919.

The sheer scale of the carnage for that war seriously weighed on their decisions to follow the route of appeasement.

From the mid 1930’s onwards people were starting to listen to Churchill, and hence the RAF and RN where being built up.

Interstellar space rock screams through Solar System

Bob Wheeler

Re: Excession?

"And thanks for all the fish"

Car trouble: Keyless and lockless is no match for brainless

Bob Wheeler


Good one for getting a Madness reference in.

Curiosity rover gives Mars the middle finger, prepares to get drilling

Bob Wheeler

the Spirit cartoon was a bit sad ..... snif snif

Argh, my loafer just fell down the rope ladder! Yes, I'm in the Microsoft treehouse

Bob Wheeler

Next on the list is the Igloo meeting rooms

I love disruptive computer jargon. It's so very William Burroughs

Bob Wheeler

"all Americans sound like Woody from Toy Story"

could be worse, might have been Woody from Cheers

Software update turned my display and mouse upside-down, says user

Bob Wheeler

Re: Now it can be told...

I did a similar thing to one guy back in the days of running Windows 3.1, all the setting where saved to thw WIN.INI file, and then making the file read only.

He'd come in, moan like hell about his desktop being all wrong etc, he'd spend about 20 minutes making things right but all the changes never stayed for the next day.

Took him over a week to finial twig what was wrong.

SCARY SPICE: Pumpkin air freshener sparks school evacuation

Bob Wheeler

Re: Impossible!

Back in the 70's and 80's I always thought that NHS hospitals stank of boiled cabbage

EasyJet: We'll have electric airliners within the next decade

Bob Wheeler

Re: Well....

No, the Captain flips a switch and the charging ports become de-charging ports and the airplane keeps flying for a few more minutes

UK's National Cyber Security Centre bungles simple Twitter Rickroll

Bob Wheeler


For some reason, I keep thinking NCIS

Spammy Google Home spouts audio ads without warning – now throw yours in the trash

Bob Wheeler

Hows my day looking?

And one day the answer is

"Well, I've had look at the NHS data on you, and to be honest, your day is not looking good. By the way, did you know there is a good undertaker in the High Street, would you like me to make you an appointment>"

Bob Wheeler

Re: Easily fixed

and you really have to worry when they start chanting "Exterminate...Exterminate...Exterminate.."
