* Posts by Reginald Perrin

9 publicly visible posts • joined 11 Oct 2007

Sun turns to Neil Diamond for Amazon utility 'killer'

Reginald Perrin


Sun can't deliver. Starts out with great ideas, overengineers and underdelivers.

15 years ago: the first mass-produced GSM phone

Reginald Perrin

The Old Sony's

I started out on an NEC P3 and then went to one of those tiny (at the time) Sony's with the flip down boom mic. I loved the Sony, a fantastic piece of kit that only failed once. I was riding up to Hollyhead from Cambridge to get the late night ferry to Dublin and put it in my tank bag, my magnetic tank bag.

They warranty replaced it. I then got a non-descript Mitsubishi and a Nokia until I got the mother of all cool phones, the Nokia 8810, what a chrome beauty.

I didn't want to change that phone. Now I have a BlackBerry and life is just much more interrupted.

NetApp losing 'spew dot oh' blog war to Sun

Reginald Perrin

There are no winners here...

just two children throwing tantrums.

Why not do the right thing for your shareholders and customers, get in a room and sort it out. If you can't do that then keep it for the courts.

Looking at their financials, I would have thought that at least one of these two has better things to do.

Microsoft-Facebook: Welcome to the Hotel California

Reginald Perrin
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Linkedin is so much better for me

The people I have trouble keeping up with are business acquaintances and linkedin is perfect for that. No BS, just who you know and where they are.

I trird Facbook and it's a waste of time for me. I don't want to spend my time responding to quizes and getting poked - online.

E-borders kills off UK-Ireland passport free travel

Reginald Perrin
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I lived near the border throughout "the troubles", went back and forth across the border every couple of weeks and then back and forth to England as I went to University and then to work. I was asked for a driving licence very occasionally.

Now, we're all peaceful and getting along together, I have to show my passport?

What a bunch of idiots.

Facebook bug dishes out notes designated private

Reginald Perrin
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Good work FaceBook

Want to alienate customers and piss them off? Hide issues from them, Crisis Management 101.

El Reg goes virtual with e-Symposium on virtualization

Reginald Perrin

What, No Citrix?

What about the Xen boys?

L1NUX number plate roars onto eBay

Reginald Perrin
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One of my friends in the US had a red Corvette with the plate TOSSER.

He told the DMV that he came from a long line of caber tossers.

History dictates future of virtualization

Reginald Perrin
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Sooner or later....

Sooner or later virtualization will become just another checkbox, a core part of all OS's.

What we really need is a standard API for managing all these OS instances.