Sun can't deliver. Starts out with great ideas, overengineers and underdelivers.
9 publicly visible posts • joined 11 Oct 2007
I started out on an NEC P3 and then went to one of those tiny (at the time) Sony's with the flip down boom mic. I loved the Sony, a fantastic piece of kit that only failed once. I was riding up to Hollyhead from Cambridge to get the late night ferry to Dublin and put it in my tank bag, my magnetic tank bag.
They warranty replaced it. I then got a non-descript Mitsubishi and a Nokia until I got the mother of all cool phones, the Nokia 8810, what a chrome beauty.
I didn't want to change that phone. Now I have a BlackBerry and life is just much more interrupted.
just two children throwing tantrums.
Why not do the right thing for your shareholders and customers, get in a room and sort it out. If you can't do that then keep it for the courts.
Looking at their financials, I would have thought that at least one of these two has better things to do.
The people I have trouble keeping up with are business acquaintances and linkedin is perfect for that. No BS, just who you know and where they are.
I trird Facbook and it's a waste of time for me. I don't want to spend my time responding to quizes and getting poked - online.
I lived near the border throughout "the troubles", went back and forth across the border every couple of weeks and then back and forth to England as I went to University and then to work. I was asked for a driving licence very occasionally.
Now, we're all peaceful and getting along together, I have to show my passport?
What a bunch of idiots.