First thought...
Idiocracy is already here...
19 publicly visible posts • joined 10 Oct 2007
Now we will be able to compare Windows vs Apple as an electric guitar vs "Guitar Hero"; the first one let's you play whatever you want whenever you want but of course you have to keep it tuned and sometimes it's possible that a string breaks; and.. well... every body knows "Guitar Hero".
But I've been living all my life with passport and id card (photo + fingerprints), and I've never felt uncomfortable with that; 'au contraire' i feel more secure as if I've an accident people at the hospital can know for sure who I'm; if somebody steals it from me and leave it at a crime scene, my photo will prevent the police comes after me; when I'm traveling I've two documents to prove who I'm if needed, my ID and my Passport, still i can loose one (or be robbed) and have the another one as backup when I'm at the border or embassy.
Only wanted to share some good points from id with photo and fingerprint
They tried to ban alcohol and they got the Mafia...
They tried to control europe after WWII and they got USSR...
They tried to help in Vietnam and look what happened...
They tried to control the Middle East and they got Saddam Hussein...
Have they memory like a goldfish? Usually there is no problem, only their fear against the unknown/different... And they speak about religious fanatics... Please, they don't have a mirror, have they?
Swimming suit, beer, beach...