Re: Someone who understands statistics
"will be less likely to play the pokies, smoke cigarettes, deny climate change or eat bacon."
The same holds true for zombies. What's the point again?
132 publicly visible posts • joined 10 Oct 2007
"Last year Tim Cook raised $330,000 for charity with the same kind of auction, and $610,000 the year before. And this year's auction won't stay at $160,000."
If that rate of halving continues you might be able to get a good meal for a fiver in a few years time. If you´re hungry it might actually be worth while having to spend an hour with Cook.
"... you have more issues than not knowing what is in your fridge without a computer to tell you."
Not to mention the fact of mention 51% attack and afterwards 33 beeelion devices.
Nah, i´m sure your average mining rig would´ nt have more hashing power than all those dumb IoT devices. You would probably need two rigs to outvote all of them.
"Who actually needs an exercise tracker?"
Anyone who actually wants to quantify the calories burned.
I mean sure, "eat less" "more exercise" is what everyone can tell you, but just how much is "less" and "more" really?
So nowadays i actually look at my calorie allowance in the evening and decide i will "have" to spend half on hour on my bicycle ergometer to treat myself with a beer.
Lost 10kg in two months so far, wouldnt call those fitness trackers useless junk.
"I would imagine that there are more gamers, currently. However, it doesn't seem implausible that some of these miners have lots of GPUs, whereas gamers can't really use more than two or three GPUs at the same time."
On the big mining pools you usually see a couple of guys topping the list well above 100MH/s. To put that in perspective, guys with like 150 Radeon R9 290x. Dont think thats gonna be a gamer. But you see a whole lot of people, as in really many, with hash rates in ranges indicating that they have like one high end card to a dual crossfire setups. Seems like the total hash rates are fairly evenly split between a smaller group of "pro-miners" having several dedicated mining boxes and large group of gamers doing this more hobby like. Kinda makes sense, you can buy steam codes directly for altcoins after all. Thats like two top tier titles per month basicly free of charge for running your crossfire rig while not gaming ...
"Keeping a couple of hundred bucks in a virtual digital wallet to pay for small stuff was exactly my intention when I started and I think was probably the intention of the inventor. "
Basicly the same way i look at it. Instead of having a small amount of cash in my paypal account might as well have it in a bitcoin-wallet. Well, at least assuming the prices settle somewhere long term.
Doesnt matter how much a single coin costs as long as you have like a hundered (or whatever) bucks worth of them in your wallet, instead of pretty much $(daily_random_value).
Low voltage, low frequency currents are generally only lethal if the current passes the heart. So, if you hold the phone in one hand, having some burn marks or whatever, understandable, but how can you even get into a situation where you die from it?
Did this guy stand in salt-water while using his phone? Clutched some metal piping with his other hand? Magical device defies laws of physics?
"I have been in IT for 14 years and I am getting the F**K out because positions like that are becoming the norm more and more, and the pay is getting worse and worse."
Sounds pretty much like my experience, at least in smaller companies. Not enough work in a single field to justify several positions, so you need an allrounder.
On the other hand i´ve seen dedicated "professionals" code around some issue for 2 weeks because they didnt know they could have had the same effect by editing a single line in a server config file in less than 5 minutes. So well, unless you get to work in a large company you might well get used fullfilling several roles.
Dont mind that actually, well, except for the pay getting worse part. Lack of IT-professionals my ass.
Sure, Nokia has replacebale battery and even an SD card slot as a disinguishing feature. Well,. i think the moto has the edge on specs, but well, just a personal opinion.
This might be a tough choice still. IF the prices were basicly the same.
I got a hunch were this is going.
Would have liked to see a link for that statement as well. The Linux kernel itself requires more to run. So i kinda doubt it.
Not that its something impossible, the J2ME MIDP profile only requires 384KB of RAM, stick to the UI-less core of CLDC and you can go down as far as 32KB.
Still, my bet is on 256MB in this case.
Not necesarrily. It depends what Apple is here. Is the App-Store a shop or is Apple an agent?
If i go into a shop then the sales contract is between me and the shop. Product defective? I go to the shop, not the producer.
If i go to a insurance agent he gets a comission, but the contract is between me and the insurance company. Got a problem? I go to the insurance company.
With Google its clear, Google is an agent, the dev has a direct customer relationship.
Apple on the other hand wants the benefits of both models. Keeping all customer data for itself like a shop but if there is a problem send the responsibility to the dev. Cant blame Apple for trying, but i doubt this is going to stand up in court.
So its either, Apple is a shop, then they get sued (and can in response sue the dev), or Apple is an agent, then the problem is with the dev.
"I just sold an 8 year old dual G5 for $500"
And i thought used car dealers are crooks.
Does the church of Apple even allow this? I mean, for $500 they could have gotten a brand new iPad, you know, Post-PC era and so, and it would have looked better in the Churchs fiscal reports.
Hmm, so lets see.
Mail client resolves mail.whereever, if the server advertises SSL capability the client does a secure connection. Now, if i send a mail with an audio or video attachement from a notebook i am infinging?
Not really fond of Apple, but i do hope this case gets laughed out of court.
When it actually comes down to an economic interest, e.g. oil, it's officially democracy or MWDs.
And now the official reason is the economic impact (and customer choice), what is it really?
What trumps economic reasoning, national security?
So, best NSA-spyware integration that "just works"?
One definately worth looking at is nagios. Know where and when there is a problem.
Need to know more about a command or related commands? Use "man" and "apropos".
Definately learn shell scripting (usually thats bash nowadays). Thats for repeating tasks and cron jobs.
Netcat and openssl are invaluable tools for debugging servers (unencrypted/encrypted respectivly).
Log files, log files, log files. Yes, they are an invaluable tool for finding errors.
While we are at that, grep. Grep is your friend.
Lots more, but those are just the first important things that came to my mind.
If 32%=200M then obviously 12% equals 75M and 8% equals 50M.
Or in other words, allegedly there are 75M iPads used at work. That seems very high for a consumer consumption device.
And what the fuck are those 50M non-iPad/Android/Windows tablets used at work? Puleaze, we want to know which trend the whole IT-news sites missed.
"Does this mean that any minor changes to the hardware, even more than now, will completely stop your version of windows working?"
Fijutsu-Siemens used to do the same locking down already with Windows XP.
The windows serial key was tied to their mainboards. In other words, if the mainboard broke down you needed a new windows license, also no way to activate the key on any different box. Sounds very similiar, i assume it´s a move to screw the used-license market.
Gees. He´s interpreting that wrong.
Germany´s gonna leave the Euro-zone and return to their old currency. Shortly thereafter it will be the only currency still worth anything. Then you will obviously need the "Deutsche _Mark_" to buy anything.
Arguing about the price of the digital distribution is ignoring the most relevant part of the cost.
You need around 500£ to get the reader. Most people have no use for a pad. And getting a pad solely for newspapers is about as dumb as it gets. It weighs more, it requires electricity. You can´t throw it away after reading. You gotta carry it around all day. Newspapers don´t crash or create weird technical problems the average user does´nt understand.
Once you got such a device comparing digital vs. paper makes sense. Getting a pad for the sole reason of reading newspaper makes no sense.
"Eg: malware checks for a plist or a registry setting and wont run if its there. Then just put it there even though it does nothing.
would that work? should i patent that?"
Not a good idea. Quite a few desktop applications, games in special, will also wont run in such a case. Debuggers and VM´ s look a lot alike (nothing to do with registry etc.., this about low level hooks and interrupts), and some people just don´t like their software dissected for different reasons.
"Syren, whether FAT32 is used on the servers is neither here or there. The fact is the infringing code is still in their version of the kernel."
Last i checked it's not in the Red-Hat kernel (and i seriously doubt it's compiled into IBM's versions). And those FAT32-patents seem to be pretty much the only thing MS has against Linux (bullocks those patents may be, but they havent been invalidated yet).
"Linux-Because im using it as we speak"
That crappy OS (or kernel, depending on definition)?
Gees, only runs on rubbish. Like my computer. Or my servers. DSL-router. Hmm, and the TV. And the tablet as well (no, NOT Android)..
"Kerry's comments imply Google wants rather a lot of cash for the rights to Android Market"
Did you send a mail to Google requesting more information on that topic? If thats true the new slogan for Android should be:
Android, the free and open OS*
*fees and restrictions apply where possible
"The key to all this is the requirement that patents that are essential to standards like UMTS and WiFi must be offered under FaiR And Reasonable Terms..."
... but i think the keyword in that sentence is "essential".
You know, patent titles such as "Turbo encoding/decoding device ..." or "Apparatus and method .. for reducing Peak-To-Average Power Ratio ..." don't really sound essential, just bloody useful.
So Apple might actually evade those patents by crippling performance and battery life. Not a bad deal, considering they can keep the rounded corners, no?
"Research that compared Opera 9 on the desktop (from 2006), and didn't even mention Opera Mobile."
The data from from the linked PC-World article also claims Safari is the fastest desktop browser.
I'll take that with a grain of salt. And comparing iPad to Android? How do you compare software with a device? Did they use a cheap China-Tab? Who knows.
Data from AndanTech [1], comparing the Xoom with the iPad, sure paints a different picture ...
More like "Social technology ratfinks an their like buttons."
Gees, even simple words can have so many meanings.
like (comparision) = wie (as in original title)
(to) like (verb) = mögen
gefallen (past tense) = fell
Gefallen (noun) = liking, favour
gefallen (adj.) = fallen
And thats just scratching the surface, look at§Hdr=on&spellToler=&search=gefallen
if you want to get really confused.
"It's just Apple isn't after the others yet ..."
they are. Apple also got a temporary injunction against some small, practically unknown, reseller called Jay-Tech. They sold some cheapo 7-inch 2.x Android tablets.
Anyone still arguing that Apple is going after Samsung because the devices look too similar has to be barmy. Or blind. Or whatever. Unless, of course, the typical Apple-customer can't tell the difference between devices of completely different sizes and materials.
There might actually be some kind of master plan behind this foolish behavior.
Given the recent patent craze the Palm patents might actually be worth more than Nortels, maybe something like 4 billion.
Add an installed base of a couple o million devices, enough to attract a fair amount of developers.
Suddenly the the investment of 1.2 billion for Palm, plus a couple of hundred million for market share, could easily quadrouble.
"H/W wise it may SEEM faster, but you whacked the nail on the head when you mentioned midlets. So it is actually much slower."
What do you mean with "seems faster"? The cpu IS faster. Period.
Android only got a JIT in 2.2 while j2me is hardware-accelerated on whole bunch of ARMS. So yes, pretty fast.
If you want to complain about the device try something like the lack of multi-tasking for 3rd party apps, thats a real bummer, worse than even iOS in this respect.
"but we now have a pure software patent running wild in Europe - sad times."
Hmm, you got a good point there. Then how come the patent was'nt invalidated?
As a developer, i could write an application (e.g. for a web-site in Javascript) that behaves identically, and have no possibility of knowing wether a mouse (with pressed button) or a touchscreen was used to generate the motion.
That got to be joke, just the possibility of getting sued, if, and only if, someone visits a site with a touch thingy (unless that person uses a BT-mouse).
The "Einstweilige Verfügung" (temporary injunction) is an unbeurocratic tool to preserve ones rights, e.g. if someone would import something like the "hiPhone5" Apple could have gotten a quick legal injunction.
Misusing this measure can have more than trivial consequences.
If the court declares this this evidence faked the Steve himself could face 1-10 years in prision according to §269 StGB (faking evidence).
Apple filed the case in the wrong court.
Landesgericht Düsseldorf is not allowed to pass an EU-wide sales ban, only Handelsgericht Alicante is within its rights to do so.
Translate for more information.
> They are powerful enough to run compilers and development environments. (which is what I do..)
NetBeans, Qt SDK, gcc good enough?
> You can develop apps for them in c++.
Qt, GTK (ok, thats C, not C++), SDL ...
>You can work with the onscreen keyboard, but plug in a usb keyboard for when you want to do some real work.
Yupp, or a mouse, or pretty much anything supported by Linux.
>Probably you can do one or more of those already.
While it does have some minor quirks, the Atom-N450 Meego based WeTab does all that.
Bloody cheap as well, less than 250€ for 16GB model, less than 350€ for the 32GB 3G model.
Sure, modern smartphones have high end CPUs and GPUs, and will have more powerfull chips than current gen consoles in the near future, just as they have more crunch than last gen consoles now.
One slight problem, though. The mouse might fit in my pocket, but neither the keyboard nor a 30" screen will. Ego shooter on a smartphone or tablet? Come on, even joypads are sub par.