@ Anonymous Coward - 8:55 GMT
Yes, it has niggles, but lets get a few things straight.
-If your comparing it against an IPhone, the camera is generally better. Almost all cameraphones are beaten by a bottom-in-class compact digicam. The sensor is so small focusing doesn't really matter much anyway, so being able to jab your finger at what you want to focus on seems a bit of a pointless gimick.
-Yes, the usb headphone is annoying, but its really not the end of the world. An adaptor off ebay and bobs your uncle. If its the same kit as the G1, its a handsfree cable with a 3.5mm jack at the end - so if you want to have handsfree it works better than the equiv iphone connector. Its not a music oriented phone, not everybody wants that. On the plus side the music organisation is really nice, No iTunes, just make sure your music is tagged correctly and copy it over to the memory card.
And if you compare against say, the sony walkman phone, they've also got their own jacks - far more annoying ones which pop out all the time.
- Battery life is pisspoor on the G1, but its also piss poor on the iphone. I have a G1, my friend has an iphone. We both used it more or less exactly the same for a long day and both had flat batterys by the time we got the train home. Big touchscreens, 3g, gps and assorted bells and whistles eat battery.
- Yes, not being able to store apps to memory cards is annoying, but you 192mb is a fairly decent number of apps - infact the interface will clutter up far before your memory. When you think about it, the iphone has a built in flash which can't be removed. What happens if you remove the flash from the g1 when its got apps on it? Nasty things will happen (Crash I suspect) - so you'd have that as a complaint in the review instead. Should the G1 have a huge internal flash? Maybe, but personally the included 2gb is fine, if i want to expand, its cheap and easy. Why make people pay more for a phone with flash they don't want or need?