I have a diesel Citroen C2, and it comes in at 109g/km so I'm way under. I just had a renewal notice for my car tax too, and because of that it's £35 for the entire year.
3 publicly visible posts • joined 10 Oct 2007
Shouldn't companies be allowed to charge what they want for a product? So iTunes charges more for a single than elsewhere. Don't we have the freedom to go elsewhere to buy it?
Like many people on here, I run a business and would hate to be forced by some external organisation on my pricing. I charge what I think is reasonable for what I do, and if my clients disagree they can either complain and ask me to lower costs, or go to a competitor. Obviously I know what I'd rather do, but I would resent being forced into that position.
Whether you believe that the phone should be unlocked, or stay locked, that's not your choice. It's the choice of whoever makes the product. I'm no Apple nut, but I do believe that it's the people that make and design products who should have the say in who does or doesn't get to mess with it (law permitting).
Of course, if you don't agree with that, you can always exercise your consumer rights by not buying it in the first place, and spending your money on a product that lets you do that sort of thing.