He's a tool
Gene Simmons has always been a tool and he's just shown his fans what he thinks about us. As for the college kids being the reason the record industry is in the state it's in - it's the record companies own fault. In the states you can buy a music cd a damn sight cheaper than you can here in old Blighty, why is that Gene?
My 17 year old son is a prime example of try before you buy. He asks me to download one or two songs for him and if he likes them he'll go out and buy the cd. He has literaly hundreds of cd's (all genuine) in his collection and this shows you two things :-
1. I'm giving him too much pocket money.
2. The try before you buy model works
Get off your high horse Simmons you wanker and try and give something back to the REAL people who gave you your vast fortunes, fancy cars and sprawling estates. The fans made you what you are and not the record executives and one day you'll wake up in the real world, not that 1970's/80's alternate dimension you still dwell in. Maybe there's a little jealousy here between ageing Gene & the likes of Trent Reznor etc who have embraced the digital age.
You're a tosser Simmons with a capital T!