Re: it will ultimately be We The People that end up paying
"rile against a black president who has been devotedly married for 23+ years, a loving child and not a SINGLE questionable moral action in his skill set".
Putting aside the questionable moral aspect - and I assure you, it is questionable at best - all of that is noise. When we speak of Obama, we speak of a president who:
1) Committed constitutional violations. A lot of resources on this but you can start here:
2) Bribed Iran to halt nuclear development with an UNapproved cash payment - and ignored our allies when they repeatedly reported that Iran was not following the terms of this agreement. In effect he funded terrorism directly with American taxpayer money.
3) Allowed immigrants in the U.S. illegally
4) Refused to prosecute violation of drug laws
5) Illegally refused to act on Yucca Mountain’s application to become a nuclear waste repository
6) Refusing to enforce parts of congressional-enacted statutes
7) Falsely portrayed the Benghazi terrorist attack as a spontaneous protest against an anti-Muslim YouTube video,10and then lied about the White House’s involvement
8) Continued to give Egypt aid after the military took over its government, even though federal law prohibits aid to Egypt in the event of a coup
9) Illegally granted businesses a waiver from Obamacare’s employer mandate
10) Illegally required people to violate their faith via the Obamacare contraception mandate.
11) Madeillegal “recess” appointments to the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau
12) Appointed czars to oversee federal policy specifically because czars do not require Senate confirmation
13) Illegally targeted conservative groups for heightened IRS scrutiny
14) Got secret permission from the FISA Court to reverse restrictions on the National Security Agency’suse of intercepted phone calls and emails
15) Secretly obtained phone recordsfrom staff at the Associated Press
16) Had meetings with lobbyists in coffee shops near White House to avoid disclosure requirements
17) Illegally sold thousands of guns to criminals,and then refused to comply with congressional subpoenas about the operation.
I mean, I can go on here. Most of those items taken individually would be significantly immoral, let alone against constitutional law.
No idea if El Reg will allow this to stand since these factoids could be offensive.