Cue the inevitable
TV advertisments insinuating that children and kittens will die of food poisoning/bacteria/viruses unless you fit one to the kitchen sink.
6 publicly visible posts • joined 7 Oct 2007
"Let the utilities pay"
Who pays the utilities then? We do of course. We always pay in the end and it is actually cheaper for us to pay them directly than to introduce more layers of bureaucracy that skim a "handling" fee at every opportunity.
If you don't believe me, just ponder on Defence procurement for a bit...
This reminds me somewhat of a recent Youtube video - It was a captue of an American news broadcast reporting an alledged shooting of a suspect by the local law enforcement while he was complying with the demands of the officer involved. The footage showed in a very graphic way (albeit rather grainy) the close range violent assualt - but the victim's understandable vocal reaction to the excruciating pain was beeped out by the TV station!
Obviously swearing whilst being shot is more likely to offend the average American punter than actually being shot! ....