* Posts by Thomas Binney

4 publicly visible posts • joined 6 Oct 2007

Anonymous hacks Sarah Palin's Yahoo! account

Thomas Binney

Bets on the password?

Ten to one it was Jesus

Obama: McCain can't email, remembers Rubik's Cubes

Thomas Binney

Quit with the War Hero shit

Bombing peasants from your state of the art multi-million dollar airplane in a third world country that never did dick to your own does NOT make you a hero, it makes you an asshole. Getting said airplane knocked out of the sky does not make you a hero, it makes you an unlucky asshole. Getting your arms badly broken when you land does not make you a hero it makes you a really unlucky asshole. Having the friends, family and countrymen of the peasants you've been bombing capture and torture you does not make you a hero, it makes you a really unlucky asshole who got what he had coming to him. Not being killed outright by those people even though you've been killing them does not make you a hero, it makes you a really unlucky asshole who got what he had coming to him and still got off easy.

JM is not a hero. JM is a really unlucky asshole who got what he had coming to him and still got off easy.

Sitting in elected office for 26 years while your nation stagnates and becomes despised by the rest of the world does not make you a hero...

Judge rules Gore's film an inconvenient catalogue of errors

Thomas Binney

Gore = Yank

Quote: "man made climate change is lie", "Gore made up evidence", etc. etc.

What is it about the Yanks that they can't accept the evidence everyone else accepted 15 years ago?

This may come as a shock to you, but Gore IS a Yank. We aren't all retarded you know.

Computer glitch nixes death row appeal in Texas

Thomas Binney

Put to death because his lawyers couldn't print?...

Wow that IS a harsh state.

Wait... what's that? Murderer? Convicted Murderer? OHHH now it makes a bit more sense.

This was a convicted killer. HE KILLED A MOTHER OF SEVEN 21 YEARS AGO! Don't blame his lawyers, don't blame the judge. Don't like the death penalty? I don't really care for it either, yet I can say with all certainty if anyone ever murdered the mother of my two children OR either of my two children, one of us wouldn't live to see the trial- so I'm a hypocrite.

Yes, the US has the most f'd up legal system this side of the third world. Yes, we have more people in our prisons than many of you have in your whole country. No, I don't know why this guy decided to kill Marguerite Lucille Dixon, aged 53 and likely well loved by most if not all of her seven children. But please let's remember he put himself in that position, not the lawyers (who if they had any REALISTIC appeal other than the automatic one granted for filing the forms would have had it in weeks ago if not years ago) not the judge (who does sound like a right-wing bitch BUT at least she was following the law) not the hardware or the software.

As for me, I'm THIS close to moving to Canada, probably at the start of G.W.s third term.