A wise man once said
A quote that can be turned on its originator
When Trump sends his nominations, he's not sending the best... ..sending people that have lots of problems, and they’re bringing those problems
2597 publicly visible posts • joined 6 Oct 2007
USAID is helping keeping the lid on the HIV/AIDS situation in South Africa by providing around 20-25% of funding for medication through the President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (initiated by the famously socialist G W Bush)
About a week after freezing US aid, PEPFAR was given an exemption - that there was a delay at all in providing an exception shows the initial action was not thought through.( A week is a long time in anti-retroviral medication)
Rather than create a new department which would have required following the law of the land, Trump renamed an existing department and handed that over to Musk and his Twitler Youth (a bunch of Musk/Thiel interns from sound of it)
Trump "I'm going to stop this thing that you think happens" (waves bit of paper with his signature on it)
<sounds of crowds cheering>
Courts "You can't do that"
<crowds murmur>
Trump "These partisan judges are enemies of the people. You wanted me to do this thing and they won't let me"
<crowds boo. Sounds of sharpening of pitchforks and torches being lit>
(probably followed by email to Trump supporters asking for monetary donations)
1) Tesla has a head start on other manufacturers, removing incentives will hit their competitors more.
2) It's all performative for the twisted anti-environmentalism that pervades his voter base, they want clean water and clean air but don't want to be told they need to change to get it. An EV mandate could be reintroduced under the guise of promoting AMERICAN! industry and countering the ENEMY Chinese manufacturers and Trump's supporters would cheer it in the streets
There's a fair amount of Norse in the English language - more so in northern areas - coming from the Danelaw.
The side-by-side usage of Old Norse and Old English promotes a change from synthetic (use of inflections to denote the relationship of words) to analytical (word order drives meaning) language.
There's a lot of Norman French words in the English language and the Anglo-Norman period sees further moves to analytical.
Old English example:
Fæder ure şu şe eart on heofonum, si şin nama gehalgod. to becume şin rice, gewurşe ğin willa, on eorğan swa swa on heofonum
Middle English example:
Oure fadir şat art in heuenes halwid be şi name; şi reume or kyngdom come to be. Be şi wille don in herşe as it is dounin heuene
The second seems much closer to modern English doesn't it
What makes the Doctor Who theme so distinctive when it came out is the arrangement by Delia Derbyshire
By comparison the Radio Free Skaro podcast uses an arrangement as envisaged by Grainer which is much similar to other TV programme themes of the time
as the full article says
"our simulated GCR experiments only looked at acute unfractionated dosing, which may not accurately model the chronic cumulative exposure that would happen on a Mars mission"
The mice did not get a simulated 6 months of GCR exposure, they got 6-months worth of GCR in a single dose.
Answer might well be "Yes"
"Dominguez is one of dozens of current and former public officials here whose finances, business relationships and political fortunes are enmeshed with the speedy growth of Starbase, as the Musk development is known. Starbase’s expansion has injected a dizzying influx of money into campaign coffers, business dealings and the personal finances of people elected to represent the public."
So you have a technical discovery that can improve the health of the worst off in society.
"Great, let's roll that out" you say.
"Wait", says another, "that's too expensive to do right now. We need to spend money on [other thing] first"
'Politics' meaning the affairs of a city (polis), the art of government, and hence we have 'policy'
regarding dreadnaughts
The British could still outbuild the competing empires (not only building dreadnaughts for the RN but for other navies)
pre-dreadnaughts still had some use in the coming war in secondary roles
the dreadnaughts (and battlecruisers) were only part of the navy, a lot of the navy was cruisers for protection of the sealanes
The dreadnaught and Empire lasted into the Second World War during which the aircraft carrier with its longer "weapon" range became the new capital ship.
"many devices of a well-known home entertainment and IoT product were involved"
That just throws up questions
I may have a certain product in mind, but is it the one I think it is?
And if so and I happen to have that product what does that mean for me? Am I vulnerable to being exploited by neer-do-wells and can I prevent that?
re calculations
suspect one or more of
1) they do the calculations for several dates so they can move to an alternative date with ease
2) the flight is re-calculated once in initial Earth orbit
3) one or two days difference at the start makes little difference overall and the trajectory is adjusted in flight anayway
Parliament, meaning the Commons, is supreme.
A constitutional monarchy means we don't have to go through the the process of choosing one of a number of politicians to be a figure head for the country. (the alternative being a president with powers who then grates up against the government of the day)
It is a representative democracy (you vote for someone to represent you) in a federal (the nation is made up of self-governing units) republic (no monarchy).
"Not a democracy" is a phrase used by Americans pushing a form of exceptionalism (which seems to be that they shouldn't be held to high standards of democratic representation)
Radio Free Skaro has an interview with Tim Burrows (Missing Episodes Podcast) on the subject. Not just about Doctor Who episodes but covering the efforts of Film is Fabulous https://filmisfabulous.org.uk/ which include cataloguing the estates of deceased collectors.
Strawman argument.
No one is saying shouldn't have private spaceflight companies. But we do want them to follow the rules. Some days it may be a rule which on reflection seems less pertinent but if they start ignoring the rules they think are unimportant, they will likely develop a culture of ignoring rules full stop.