What, like Mac users?
What, like Mac users?
My last virus was 1995 and took 2 minutes to delete.
I use various virus checkers once a year or so just to make sure. Never had a virus in 20 years now.
301 publicly visible posts • joined 28 Feb 2007
What is the "payload" of drones now? What will it be in 5 years? That's right. It's going to happen sooner or later :(
Perhaps a ban on drones larger than X size? Perhaps a limit on the payload capacity?
Personally, I don't want to be in the group that finds out the hard way.
Come on, don't you all realise that this giant pad is just a stalking horse to keep others (Microsoft) investing into laptop-sized screens without keyboards?
Holy crap the 9.7" is plenty big, just hold it a few inches closer, which is what "shop staff" do already. And who wants to man- or woman-handle these big things around, anyway?
Apple are quietly laughing at all the bozos dancing around this idea.
... the BBC were seen around the world as the Crown Jewels of British culture. Admired and respected everywhere. Authoritative, independent, literate, creative.
But Birt's conservative-agenda dismantling of the BBC in the late 1980s was a travesty, from which the BBC never recovered.
I agree that a strong, vibrant, independent BBC is great for Britain. I love this country (been here since 1985) and greatly admire so much of it's culture and personality.
To set up a separate tax/fee collection system, beyond what we have now, or to have the central government pay fees from general taxation to the BBC is not the answer. But I do believe that all adults in the UK must pay something, on a per person basis.
This might be by a screen-tax upon purchase, or a yearly fee (possibly with monthly instalments), or managed by local councils.
The BBC has the potential to be an even larger part of the rich culture that makes Britian, British, and I would love to see that expanded and strengthened.
Ten years at MIT, BS and MS in engineering and computer graphics, award-winning work... just featured in Wired.com --
After two and a half years of job search, 66 applications to various companies (in the UK) I was offered 0 (zero) interviews.
I even cut the dates of my degrees out of my CV, but still "too qualified".
This *WILL* happen to you.