* Posts by Jake Fraser

4 publicly visible posts • joined 5 Oct 2007

Milk IN the teapot: Innovation or abomination?

Jake Fraser

Absolute sacrilege - tea doesn't brew properly once the milk is added.

El Reg rocket squad poised to select Ultimate Cuppa teabag

Jake Fraser

Twinings Traditional Afternoon

Easily my favourite tea blend that Twinings do, although it's painfully expensive as it comes in 80/160 teabag boxes at best...

Street View spycar prowls Inverness

Jake Fraser

And London too

Sighted on a road in south east London this morning on my way to work - one assumes there is a fleet?

Official: James Blunt is a w*nker

Jake Fraser

He's more than just a w**ker apparently

Have a search now! He's now a tedious wanker.

Amazon are striving for the perfect definition it seems...