* Posts by Angus McIonnach

2 publicly visible posts • joined 4 Oct 2007

North Africa will need more revolution before it attracts IT tourists

Angus McIonnach

Shame on you Tim

What if Egyptians were to read your article? They might cut away all that bureaucracy, and then Evil Western capitalists could inflict well-paid middle-class IT jobs on unemployed young people.

What Egyptians want is to live in a country with no jobs or food - the perfect breeding ground for liberal democracy.

-posted from my laptop, that arrived by magic without the aid of capitalism, so I could vicariously cheerlead brave revolutionaries while making sure they stay poor and jobless.

Microsoft targets developers with 'open' license

Angus McIonnach


"All that stuff is already viewable with Lutz Roeder's Reflector anyway."

Cool. Reflector can somehow retrieve the original code comments from compiled assemblies. I must get this new, magical version of Reflector forthwith.