Re: Proper lash up
Newcastle-upon-Tyne in the UK is named for the castle built in 1080.
111 publicly visible posts • joined 4 Oct 2007
It says something that the one time I know of where a sales weasel lost their job for promises that couldn't be delivered, I didn't believe it to be true until we got the e-mail.
It turned out he'd made the mistake of lying to the company as well as the client. "Oh yes, I've got *loads* of customers if we just develop it like this". After a lot of development work, we discovered, guess what, no customers.
I once did some voluntary work at a special school fixing beebs. I cannibalised 15 non-functional machines to get 14 working. If that figure sounds high, it's because mostly the faults were that some ingenious s*d had got inside many of them and reversed connectors to the board. Tough old things worked fine when put back the right way.
Sadly I live too far away to help this time.
> Sadly, as this same courtesy wasn't extended to their own citizens (or allies) this meant that
> after a decade our former enemies had a better tech base than the allies who won the war.
This is an unfortunate myth: in fact Britain was the largest recipient of funds under The Marshall Plan. We just blew it all on post-imperial dreams instead of investing it in useful infrastructure.
> Still, better than what happened after WW1...
I find not disagreement with that sentiment, however.
@DougS: being able to maintain eye contact is very useful with young children as they don't know to look at the camera. Instead they'll look at practically any human face (which may, of course, be in completely the wrong direction).
At the moment I hold the camera next to my face and hope that my hand is coordinated enough to keep the camera pointing at the child.
Ah! I read an article once about how colour blindness can help when detecting camouflaged animals and might have conveyed an evolutionary advantage when a small proportion of the (male) population were affected. Now I am beginning to see that there may be a whole other reason linked to increased reproductive opportunities.