What they really need is...
A giant pirate galleon shaped airship data-centre!
133 publicly visible posts • joined 4 Oct 2007
If you find it reasonable that the police / security services can use surveillance on telephones then it is not that unreasonable to allow them to access disks - but it should only be done with the appropriate judicial controls and warrants.
Like the article says with the proper precautionary measures you could stop plod planting the trojan in the first place.
>Mines the tinfoil hat
I work in the education sector and we have over the last few weeks replaced about a hundred desktops and disposed of a handful of old servers. I know that's not a massive scale but it's not insignificant. In most cases Shred worked fine, with a few we had to use other tools and there were a dozen or so failed drives that had to be physical destroyed.
Yes it is a pain and it takes time but it has to be done*. Its the "too much time" attitude that cause these leaks.
*Think of the Children** :P
** Actually its people thinking of the Children that cause us to have to wipe everything :D