Would all the XBox touters in the above conversation step aside; you may love your machine for it's all-American values (heavy bias towards shooting games, shoddy manufacture...) but in Japan it simply isn't a player.
Whether Sony were wise to include so much functionality in their machine, however, is certainly a debate worth having. Sure it sells fewer units than the Wii, but a lot of those Wiis are expanding the games market, and at this stage in its life (and price) cycle the PS3 was only ever going to appeal to established gamers and techies.
Given the performance of the X360 so far – it's not selling much outside the core US gamer market, who don't seem to mind regular hardware purchases – I would have thought the most likely broadside to the PS3 would be MS abandoning the 360 as early in it's life as they did the original X-box, and replacing it with a next-next gen machine incorporating Wii-like tech? Then Sony would lose the technical advantage that they've yet to capitalize on anyway (though MS would pay a heavy price in customer trust, I suppose). Or was that what the Elite was meant to do?