* Posts by mistersuite

1 publicly visible post • joined 15 Nov 2024

Qualcomm's Windows on Arm push would be great – if only it ran all your software


Re: Disagree about the lack of MS support

I also feel like this article is missing some objectivity and first hand examples.

My first hand experience of running a HP EliteBook Ultra G1q (aside the long name), is superb. Most of my work apps, work or have native versions. WSL2 works flawlessly and I use it several times a week and is my go to for quick Linux tasks. Battery life, outstanding compared to my previous AMD Ryzen Ultrabook.

Games, the ones I would try on a laptop have worked with emulation in most cases, a couple don't and that's ok and some work but have GPU artifacts which is more a driver issue than anything else. For instance, I have and can easily play EVE Online at around the 40 - 60 FPS mark on low-medium settings. Still better gaming support than other operating systems and for anything else, I have my desktop PC. This is primarily a work device.

Camera and Audio - Better than your typical Intel/AMD solution.

Wireless, works 99% without issue, sometimes it doesn't like my Home Unifi setup a quick reboot or restarting the network adapter fixes this.

My main gripes stem from lack of support for the Windows Remote Server Administration Tools the last time I checked, but I can work around this quite easily with an RDP connection. Hopefully, in time, they will release native tools.

I hear a lot of folks complain about the Adobe support and similar. Anecdotally, they work on their own terms, but Microsoft is likely their largest user base as much as Apple would like to think otherwise. Each platform has an advantage in one way or another, but I am pleased with my experience and encourage others to make the jump, especially if you have similar use cases to mine.

For my personal and professional use case, I won't be going back to an X86-64 system anytime soon (for a laptop and thin and light), it's just more convenient for me to know I can run this thing all day away from a charger and not be afraid it's going to conk out when I need it.