Re: Meanwhile at a secret lair somewhere…
Yeah, was wondering how this would affect absolutely not a pedo guy Musk.
41 publicly visible posts • joined 30 Oct 2024
I mean, lawsuits about transferring licenses have been going on forever... remember Gates and Allen buying the original DOS and giving the author a license to install it for free? There used to be an aftermarket for Windows licenses too didn't there from old equipment?
I'd have thought any license now stipulates exactly what happens if the recipient is bought / sold / tries to sell the license.
When I was a young, wet behind the ears graduate many decades ago, a wise old fart explained that the more gung ho a product's name, the shitter it actually is.
That rule has really stood the test of time.
For the other now-old farts out there, he was explaining this and using JSA (that fucking awful contractors account) and their Contractor+ package as an example.
A grad I know had a very offline chat with his mates to decide the one subject they would have no interest in, had never search for, and wasn't part of their lives - they decided on crochet.
Then they spent 10 minutes in the pub with their phones on the table discussing crochet.
The next day, sure enough, crochet adds were in their feeds. Goes to show some of these rumours were true.
> They're expecting people to PAY for this dross?
I pay for it... I have a rule where I will pay for one LLM at a time (so the subscriptions don't mount up).
They are great at what I'm weak at... repetitive coding tasks, coding tasks I know how to do but get bored working in my comfort zone, investment analysis (I go waaaaay deeper than LLMs, but they're a great start), and - most importantly - summarising and writing documents without sounding semi-literate.
If others don't like them, I'm fine with that. But I get fantastic benefits.
"Taiwan knows musk is not only unreliable, probably compromised, but is also subject to the whims of power."
Damn, I hear you brother... it defies belief how far that idiot has fallen.
Part of me hopes Tesla is fucked and he's at least behaving this way to get favourable subsidies and tariffs on foreign competition. Otherwise he's just a deranged nut.
If I remember correctly, the Swiss banks allowed your banking to remain confidential as long as there was a withholding tax applied to the interest you received. And as bank interest was / is generally pretty lame, this wasn't an issue. The IOM and Channel Island banks just shopped you to HMRC.
Many years ago - long after closing my bank account - Barclays Jersey wrote to me telling they had informed HMRC of all my offshore earnings and transactions.
These offshore UK islands all serve the same master as the rest of us. Do business there, by all means, but don't think you're not part of the UK.
> Odd that all three posts so far have received a downvote and yet nobody has replied with, or separately posted, a message with a contrary sentiment.
Reg downvoters are weird - and there are a lot of them. They obviously don't like certain posts (especially those pointing out Musk is a c**t, lol), but they can't articulate why.
> Andrew Tate's followers may not be KKK members, but their desire for power, particularly over females, and 'masculinity' (whatever that may be) is very similar, and probably has similar roots in deep feelings of helplessness and personal inadequacy.
I think you raise a lot of good points. Extremists and their ability to get followers are often the symptom as well as the cause.
And hatred and blind following is easy - it really is easy, just turn your brain off and follow (us humans are really flawed in this way). It takes thought and effort to develop some critical thinking and plot your own path.
> Which creepy uncles lap are you going to choose to sit on?
Love that comment. The answer is Cook. Because he makes his money from nice hardware and user security - and he was smart enough to realise we'll pay for security / privacy. As soon as he betrays our trust apple lose half their customers.
The others... I doubt we'd even get to sit down before they "slipped in the shower".
I know this is wrong, and certainly mentally unhealthy, but I LOVE HR layoffs. Honestly, I really love them.
A c-suite level mate of mine once told me how many of them were crying and saying "but we're indispensable" when their jobs were outsourced. It was brilliant.