* Posts by PleaseWakeUp

4 publicly visible posts • joined 7 Oct 2024

Windows 10's demise nears, but Linux is forever


Old Guy

Though I would share my recent experience with Linux Mint.

But first, before I forget (I'm old), thanks for the memory - someone above mention Unix. When I first got on the internet (late 80's early 90's) you actually had to know some Unix commands. LOL.

I tried Linux many years ago but I found it... difficult and time consuming. I have threatened for several years to make the switch but no time. But after all the recent shitty things MS has pulled I finally did it. WOW, I'm super impressed with the progress since I last tried it. Love Mint. Not only is it much easier/nicer than it used to be but it really blows Windoze away with it's ease to do more techy things where Windows tries so hard anymore to hide (or remove) all the things that allow you to do more than just the usual stuff. For all those reading this that are slightly more techy than the average user you will be glad you tired it.

The only downside is that, as a first try, I loaded Mint into a VM machine on my MS Surface tablet but I can't use it as a tablet as it lacks that ability. Anybody know of a distro that does tablets? I tried looking for a tablet with pre-loaded Linux but there doesn't seem to be much. No worries, as I have many desktops that will be permanently moved to Mint soon. I would also ask for recommendations on a Linux beginner blog where you can read short articles to increase your knowledge when you have only small amounts of time to invest? Or a good Linux reference site I could go to quickly solve an immediate problem? Now if only I had the time to get my Purism Mini (with the Pure OS) up and running.

Anduril picks Ohio for 5 million square foot autonomous weapon factory


As scary is this article is...

If you really want to be concerned take a look at the Wikipedia page for this company where it lists all of the products they will be making. I had no idea they were this far along.

Is it really the plan to take over Greenland and the Panama Canal? It's been a weird week



Would just like to set the record straight for some of the younger readers. Capitalism is what made the USA great. Unfortunately most people are not aware that we haven't had Capitalism in the USA for MANY years - it died sometime in the 90's. Back when we did have Capitalism every little town was full of small businesses (because that is what Capitalism allows) and we had medium sized regional businesses. Now ALL of the small town businesses are gone and we have a fraction of the regional companies we once had. What we have now isn't Capitalism it is Monopolies, Cartels, and Collusion. The group of people who control our country (not the voters) also own both of our political parties. And this group no longer just controls our country. Money is power, always has been, always will be. So take a close look at the richest people in your country and figure out what they have in common.

So before our current rulers took over Capitalism was a VERY good thing - and it still is we just don't have it anymore.

If you're excited by that $1.5B Michigan nuke plant revival, bear in mind it's definitely a fixer-upper


A little research on Holtec...

After doing 3 minutes of research into Holtec I found that they just got busted in Jan. 2024 for falsifying tax incentive documents to receive more than they were due. They paid a fairly large fine to save themselves from criminal prosecution and are barred from any more state money in their home state of New Jersey.

Yet just a few months later the US government thinks it's ok to give them a $1.5 BILLION? But that's not all - the Gov is also giving Wolverine Energy and Hoosier Energy BILLIONS in free money to purchase energy from them!