* Posts by ognissanti

4 publicly visible posts • joined 5 Oct 2024

Busybox 1.37 is tiny but capable, the way we like Linux tools to be


Re: busybox linux

I have now moved the bash part to its own chapter and have made it optional. Thank you for pointing that out! I tested to follow the first chapters yesterday and got a running system up in no time (on a machine that already had a bootloader and a linux distro with the dependencies to build the kernel)


Re: busybox linux

I have moved the bash instructions now and made it an optional step.

Now all you need is busybox and a kernel for the system to work. Thanks for spotting this :-)


Re: busybox linux

That's absolutely right. You don't need bash, it's just a preference. Sorry for the confusion...


busybox linux

It's possible to run a statically linked busybox binary + kernel as your entire OS. If you want a package manager to install other packages after that you can use nix (yeah, I know, I know, bloat etc. but it works).
