* Posts by rpp

3 publicly visible posts • joined 28 Aug 2024

Why users still couldn't care less about Windows 11


Re: what a fucking waste of resources

Its been put this way:

"Whatever advances the hardware boys come up with the software boys will piss away."


A brief pause, please

Ah, that's better. And now a few words from a typical windows user:

--Windows 11 is just fine for me. I like it.

--Many years ago, it was fashionable to hate IBM. Big Blue, and all that. Now it's Microsoft, and it's lots of fun. But the mantle seems to be passing to anything to do with Vice President Musk. Well deserved.

--When I look back at price hikes from a few years ago, I can't find them in my bottom line, then or now. I just click the button and get on with life.

--Judging from the comments, I must have a lot of bloatware on my machine. I don't know or care about it. Memory is cheap, hard drives are cheap, and the machine is fast. Every now and then I do find some app that installed with Windows that I didn't know about, and it turns out to be useful in some situations. That's very nice.

OK, time is up, and the pause is over! You may now resume rants.

Where the computer industry went wrong – the early hits


Re: Flogging a dead horse

I disagree. People who buy the middle model feel pleased: they didn't buy the cheapo, and they didn't spend a lot of money for a few extra features they didn't need. In other words, they found the sweet spot relative to their needs and pocketbook. High end? People who need the features don't mind paying the price. And pride of ownership does figure into it, but not everybody is interested in flaunting it. Low end? after using the device for a while, they might wish they had bought a more capable model, but that's not the same as feeling ripped off.