* Posts by CodeeMcCoder

2 publicly visible posts • joined 28 Jun 2024

The fingerpointing starts as cyber incident at London transport body continues


TfL used to be heavily linked to the GLA.

The DB for Oyster for example was running on GLA's Oracle boxes.

Alot of 'outsourced' services where actually being run from the GLA's inhouse Oracle boxes.

Seemed a weird arrangement.

An outfit like Capita might run a particular service (staff, management), but with software/hardware infrastructure run by GLA/TfL.

Former Fujitsu engineer apologizes for role in Post Office IT scandal


Re: Unimpressed

Seems rather like Scenario B - Deliberately perjured himself for the company who'd given him his honory 'engineer' title.

His only defence left is that of Paula Vennells, 'I'm actually too stupid to know what was really going on round me'.