* Posts by TheNoob

4 publicly visible posts • joined 19 Jun 2024

Twitter 'supersharers' of fake news tend to be older Republican women


Re: Pasty keyboard warriors

O've been on the other end of that proposal. People have used massreporting to have people limited. That has been a tactic used by chinese accounts according to 'the china show' on youtube. It is also a tactic of russian bot farms the guys have noted on both twitter and youtube.

Who is limited, applying one size policies is likely going yo lead to a shoutinv match whatever is decided but...what we should consider is trump's offer to musk of a senior position in his cabinet and how that might influence the x algorithms...

Microsoft bigwig says the Feds catching Chinese spies in Exchange Online is the cloud working as intended


Re: MTG does not decode

No, just no. Moscow marge has an agenda, probably set for her by her alledgedly putin-aligned capaign guy. I forget whether it was campaign advisor or manager but something at influence level.

The plot is derail governments and to step up the action since we started defending ukraine. The number of government leaders affected, exposed, attacked and I suspect even Abe was a victim (exposed to yakuza by kremlin agents) shows just how complacent and innocent we are in comparison to what is being waged around us.

In terms of security I hope we're stepping up and beginning to take our jobs seriously. In fact whatever we're doing we need to wake up imho.


We forget that windows coding used to be conducted on a distributed basis. The incentive for the nodes to be secure plus identifying all those potential breach points is going to be a nightmare. What's worse imho is that adversaries may have had access to the same blueprints from historic high profile in/exfiltrations so initial mitigations will have to start at that level I'd say.

World's top AI chatbots have no problem parroting Russian disinformation


Proposed weighting would be unreliable due to subversion

On twittrr recently I was reading about an economist article that stood out as propagated by ccp propaganda. We know that china has a huge influence operation that has been ongoing since wuhan trying to deflect blame and even divert it (biolab stories fed to russia, bioweapon stories fed to global public)

Also knowing that russia has bought a london staple and also a bridge into british media (The Evening Standard) at the very least one has to be extremely careful as to applying blanket weightings imho.

Probably the most alarming thing in recent times is a report that the pravda (truth as in truth social) movement washed up on british shores recently and not only had an event but seems to form the basis of farage's attack on our politics.

In summary I would like to ask who cursed us? We seem to be living in interesting times...nevertheless, the information war is at our door and they really don't seem to like our stance against the ruskinazis.