Illegal attack or Interesting Response from Steve Jobs?
The real fact is that Apple has clearly engineered this update to disable "modified" iphones. There are reports of iphones which just have 3rd party software being turned into bricks aswell as those that have been hacked to allow other networks.
In order to maximise the number of hacked phones the patch has cast the net wide enough that legitimate AT&T "GoPhone" the AT&T prepay service are finding their phones disabled too.
Seems that Jobs is so panicked by the thought of loosing his 40% revenue share that hes willing to sacrifice legitimate users as "collateral damage".
Seems that MACS open, developer friendly face has been replaced by one that looks remarkably like Microsoft.
Atleast Microsft (and i never ever though the day would come where i would find my self supporting microsoft) hasnt deliberately taken out thousands of their paying customers in order to squeeze more money out of them by forcing them onto overpriced contracts with poor quality networks!
Imaging if microsoft wiped (not just disabled) your deskyop PC becuase you plugged it into the wrong ISP?
Realistically this is just another volley in what looks to be an interesting battle. We know what the outcome is going to be, just look at sony and the PSP saga firmware.
Meanwhile work is now underway to produce an open source iphone OS and a replacement of itunes in order to break away from apple.
Seems remarkably short sighted of Jobs.
I would have thought supprting a growing development community that could stand a chance of breaking the typical 6 month and ill buy a new one cycle most mobile phone users are encouraged to get into...