The perils of Facespace and Mybook. :P
This is really funny, thumbs up to the Reg for this.
24 publicly visible posts • joined 28 Sep 2007
...So what!!!
The guy had 500 illegal plants in there. 1 criminal arrested. Job done. Lets have a few more.
At a guess though, I would say that the smell was rather suspicious as well as the guy acting very cagey (well, if I had 500 plants and the coppers were there, I would be a tad anxious too).
We don't get the full picture in small articles like this, cos basically, we don't need em. Its a quaint story and an advertisement for child locks on phones when you have a nipper (and something illegal in yer house).
Good stuff reg
As a previous member of Her Majesty's Prison Service in Scotland, I would like to respond to this article.
It seems that as daftie and spaz are not fit for use, can I recommend we call the theivin'/murderin'/robbn'/rapin' scumbags the following:
1. Rocket
2. Zoomer
3. Sizzler
4. Numptie
5. Ba'heid
6. Scunner
Oh aye, @ Mike JVX
What prison was it you worked at then? I would like to know how you manage to get to the conclusions you have.
BTW, I agree that institutionalised racism and abuse of any kind should be addressed and eradicated, but these scummy bastids call the folk that wear the white shirts a lot worse, but yet again, its all about the criminal, never about the victim.
Wot a pile of shite.
Hmm, so my BEng in Software Engineering is a fabrication of an over active imagination?
I think not bullwinkle.
As an aside, although I do not work in software anymore, when I did so, all of the team had the job title "Software Engineer".
And I agree with AC above, there is a HUGE difference between a software developer and a software engineer.
...... fixed width is pants guys, and the icons are sh1te.
I can possibly live with the fixed width as I have a shite monitor but the icons MUST change.
And as someone said before, its pretty poor on you to change these icons after selling them on merchandise.
New site layout is an improvement, but the icons do not give the same character as the old ones.
Fix it guys..............
@ John Bayly, I agree with you there, Windows has, and always will have, bloat beyond reason, including the server versions.
In 2008, we will see a cut down, high performance, stripped server OS that will only be accessed by a command line. This will mainly run file and print servers etc, and all other goodies that don't need a GUI.
However, we can't run server core as a web server, as IIS depends on .NET and ASP, which when I attended the fascist propaganda that was a M$ Technet event, Server Core does not support .NET (but its expected to be added before full release).
Anyone else think that M$ are now moving back the way in their server systems, or are they just realising that a command line server is really a good thing???
As an ex serving member of HM Forces, please direct your negative comments to those that make war, not the few that end up fighting it.
Its muppets like you, with an obvious misunderstanding of the issue and lack of comprehension of what these guys do that force a response from someone like me.
Please give these guys the respect they deserve.....
@ the movie tho, I don't see what was funny, it seemed pretty realistic to me :D