Totally let down by Sonos
It's now clear that Sonos rushed this update out to cater for their new headphones - Sonos Ace. I've just had an email inviting me to preorder for £449. Er. . . no, I don't think so. They've steadfastly refused to roll back to the previous working S2 App and are saying they'll reinstate the missing features in the "weeks and months to come". Meanwhile, we mere customers who've spent £££ on a premium product are left with a toy version of the controller software with no queue management and no search facility for our local music library.
What Sonos seem to have overlooked is that, while the old app was a bit clunky, it worked pretty well and we don't all have time to dick about with a new UI only to find that some very basic functionality isn't even there!
They'd have been better off leaving everything as it was and launching their headphones with a beta app (which is what the new app feels like anyway)