@ Tech correction
First thought here was "What type o' Dong" are we talking about and isn't #2 always liquid fueled?
TAE (yes, really)
21 publicly visible posts • joined 27 Feb 2007
Didn't Moller state that GPS and centralised tracking and guidance would ensure that the aerial vehicles would never vie for airspace. The system would be based on a Windows Vista Package and never have any software glitches.
Off course there would be the occasional collision with uncontrolled flying pigs.
At BR Advanced Projects in the 70's there was a pressure chamber in which volunteers were subjected to a variety of pressure pulses to simulate the effects of high speed trains passing bridges and through tunnels. It was a plexiglass two seat box with a diaphagm on top driven by an electro hydraulic actuator. To my knowledge noboby puked or crapped despite the low and medium frequencies of the pulses.
Urban legend tells of an MTS sales rep. who was injured by sitting in a chair driven at 8Hz which caused resonance of his innards.
Every border crossing kit will now contain Gravol.
Currently, I find this argument revolting. Wire we waiting for a 'ohm charger.
I find the whole idea insulating. How could anyone be so naive as to be induced to believe this crap.
Seriously though the net energy needs to be calculated to determine if there really is a saving changing to these alternatives.
As an anglophone and expat living in Canada I can confirm the use of fag to denote one of homosexual inclination (bent?). I believe the word is a contraction of fagela. Fanny Fagela being an early departee from the closet.
Faggots is correctly ascribed to bundles of wood and lowly public schoolboys who perform menial tasks for prefects. They also are spiced meatballs in gravy often served with mushy peas as a UK Midlands delicacy.
So far as fag (as in homosexual) being superceded by the term pufta I believe the reverse is true as a poofta wallah was a queer in the great days of the British Raj.
Since the books Blood and the Holy Grail and the DaVinci code both claim there are living relatives of Jesus surely a comparison of their DNA to the ossiaries would prove the relationship (or not). There is an outfit in the UK that traces paternal or maternal lines back to the earliest times in Europe.
Maybe I'm related to God too, I can't wait to find out.