much like an Ardunio Yun, except...
instead of providing a Wifi interface for an Ardunio controller, it will turn up in internet cafe's for key logging and pubs, café, restaurants for phantom Wifi web-logging
328 publicly visible posts • joined 28 Sep 2007
"such as "only" prisoners of war being treated inhumanly instead of the Holocaust" is ignorant rubbish. 10 million Chinese died in that war, 99% civilian.. even the Germans complained about the brutality (note to AC:that's a historical record).
Japan got of lightly, because in 1945 the CCCP had more troops and more tanks than the rest of the world, and they were in Germany. America needed the war to be over, the H-bomb wasn't ready and they didn't have enough material to make enough A-bombs.
The best of the commemorations yesterday was the warm reception for Frau Merkel from the veterans, who know (being there at the time) that more German civilians died in the war AFTER it was officially over( dysentery,cholera,typhus, starvation) than Brits died in it... commemoration is about honouring the dead, not celebrating the victors.
Safety, Security & rule-of-law have a market price.. in a liberal market economy a progressive tax system is cheaper than buying protection from gangsters, better to make informed decisions while you have choices.. hiding gold hoards in fields work as a tax-haven.. until somebody finds it
If you extrapolate linearly the higher rate of return on capital (relative to economic growth), you end up with all the wealth in the hands of very few, wider poverty and social unrest. After 1848, the threat (&fact) of revolution and war provided a social counterbalance, that no longer exists.The welfare state was not the greatest redistribution of wealth in human history, that honour goes to the black-death which levelled indiscriminately. Wealth distribution is not even as significant as "peak labour", where jobs are being automated at a faster rate than new ones created.
Wealth tax might be one instrument, inflation is another, quantitative easing is sneakier, antibiotic resistant pandemic or crop-blight crueller; but politics will find an answer because if there is one lesson from history: hoarders eventually get their comeuppance & sharing is better alternative.
Wasn’t that long ago that Microsoft was running SAP R2 on an IBM mainframe for their ERP, and they nearly merged before MS bought Great Plains for Dynamics. MS only migrated away from SAP when Dynamics scalability was addressed. The mainframe MS used for SAP is less powerful than a standard Windows VM.
SAP HANA on Azure is more interesting challenge, because HANA won’t run on any old VM, but shows how mature Infrastructure as a Service is becoming.
My uninformed guess would be that flight plans are simulated as the points in 4D Space (3 physical + time) that the planes go though to check for collisions, and the root cause a 'minor upgrade' long ago to allow for busier airspace - half the collision avoidance time doubles the number of time points tracked.
My guess would be that the max altitude was never tested when changing time dimension, and not updated with a lower limit. I don't think this would use a real-time OS because you'd want to serialise each plan tracing.
my guess is [1] every busy airspace (like Heathrow) is regression testing altitude [2] game designers are offering smartphones with PhysX GPU as an upgrade to the mainframe.
Microsoft might not be a top 20 Linux contributor anymore but the story has changed, as have the economics.. for very surprising reasons. Microsoft's "beef" with Linux was about the desktop, which was set to be decided with the 64-bit migration, which Microsoft has won with Windows 7.
on the devices front Android has won because every SoC/component developer builds for Linux first: performance/cost advantages have been institutionalized, and that can only change if Linus Torvalds goes soft and Linux kernel gets big and flabby for cloud coverage.
the next big story with android is going to be the unexpected decision for Obama and the rest of the US government to get Windows phones
The new flywheels run upto 60000rpm with carbon-fibre disks and store much more energy, with higher potential with newer materials.. compare that with the increasing cost of rare-earth minerals for batteries and it starts to look like a good bet.
I use Windows 8.1 for my main PC (I installed it for Visual Studio 2012 C++/CX), and I tried using the "Start Screen", but frankly it is shit because it is just not finished; doesn't work with big screens; doesn't multitask very well; with huge amounts of screen real-estate dedicated to looking good from ten yards away in shops.
When they get round to finishing it, it'll be more like Windows Phone and might well be pretty neat, but won't work much like the current "start screen" because that one is shit
Not very long ago TPC-H was dominated by custom column-stores databases that were almost impossible to get into a production data-centre.. those column store databases had surpassed the astronomically expensive Teradata MPP kit that also had trouble competing with Oracle & DB2, despite clear performance advantages.
That a commodity HP DL580 box that's on most big shops "standard server list" can beat custom kit, supported by legions of SQL/Server DBAs (that you probably already pay) is spanking proportions... if the Violin boxes with RDMA right into SQL/Server bufferpools work like they say, we should see some really incredible TPC performance numbers that should spank the "fake" Oracle TPC-C scores (real OLTP performance is not measured in the number of brocade switches)
When a tile on a large desktop screen is as big as a full screen app on a little device, it doesn't take a Phd to work out that a tile should/could offer the full app in part of the window.. But stupid "charms" prevent it.
the demo did not show left/right scrolling,because (without focus) it can't distinguish between scrolling the app and scrolling the "start" screen.. And they cant use the edge of the screen for start scroll because that is hard-coded to "charms".
gesture interface might make sense if/when we all have kinetic (xbox) controls, but for now it is as intuitive as Ctrl-Alt-Del without the onscreen prompt or the start button.. Epic epic fail
S/380 was the "future systems program" that was cut down to the S/38 mini.
HASP was the original "grid scheduler" in Houston running on a dedicated mainframe scheduling work to the other 23 mainframes under the bridge.. I nearly wet myself with laughter reading Data-Synapse documentation and their "invention" of a job-control-language. 40 years ago HASP was doing Map/Reduce to process data faster than a tape-drive could handle.
If we don't learn the lessons of history, we are destined to IEFBR14!
Roslyn is the real meat here because many of the other libraries are apache open source already, which is great, but the next step is to offer the MS .NET runtime for {Unix,linux bsd,posix} deployment, very few will use it, but will settle concerns about Mono performance/compatibility.
Crimea was billed as a tinderbox because of the ethnic and religious tension between Tartar's (original population of Ottoman Crimea), Russians and Ukrainians. From a western analysis, the Tartars should lean towards the pluralist EU supporting liberals rather than Russia which (under Stalin) expelled the tartars after WWII, but that is not what happened. That a ethnic group culturally/ethnically/historically closer to Istanbul than Moscow would vote overwhelming to join Russia demands serious analysis and respect.
Had the USSR followed market forces, there wouldn't have been a reason for Khrushchev to give Crimea to the Ukraine to route water, power & gas.
Nobody is seriously considering a reenactment of the 'charge of he light brigade' to defend Communist planning or the agreements of a pissed and broke Boris Yeltsin, so lets quit the rhetoric and accept that Crimea is a pawn in the diplomacy over Syria.
Back in the early '80s IBM had a very brief leadership of PC word processing with DisplayWrite before being eclipsed by WordStar (ported from CP/M), WordPerfect (ported from Wang), MS Word (ported from Xenix). DisplayWrite was developed in a PC emulator running on MVS... was slow, memory intensive with a blockey UI, and larger files due to RTF, which was text based for transfer to/from S/370,S/36,S/38 versions which used EBCDIC instead of ASCII. RTF support in WordPerfect & Word started out as IBM compatibility.
For Microsoft RTF was a surprise saviour because it was the only way to share files between Word for DOS and MacWord which had incompatible.DOC formats due to big/little endian differences between 8086 & 68000.
IBM lost interest in RTF, because it had a better idea with GML (which it standardised & some contractor @CERN copied for his web-thing).
MS wrote-up the spec because mail-merge used to be a separate program, and is still used in document generators.
Once you add Classic shell and go through and disable all the chimes, it is not bad, but leaves a lingering taste in the mouth, and resentment that you've debugged, hacked & fixed something they could have finished so easily.
"it may very well slip into – caducity" is understatement (as anyone who's tried to follow MSF will tell you) caducity is the stage they're at already with windows, but MS is not a frail human body.. they have the power to rebuild it.. but can they be bothered?
nginx is primarily a reverse proxy load balancer with a neat edge host for static content and termination for encryption. For Java/Mono apps it does away with the need for a full Apache web server and helps the like of Node.JS scale.
Microsoft's ISA server does the equivalent, but reports IIS as the host type.
Thanks to Mr Snowdon many more web sites are going to move to https for everything (including static content) so Nginx can expect much better growth because the CPU load of SSL is a big motivator for reverse proxies.
It is Apples & Pears because Nginx might just be fronting Apache/IIS.. All that is clear id that nobody is using Squid anymore
The company he joined was a languages (interpreter & compilers) & tools company that had a nice shared operating system (Xenix). Sure they'd sold DOS to IBM, but that was just an upselling gimmick, like cheap beer in a Supermarket.
After 38 years with his leadership, the board decided the kind of CEO they needed was someone from a languages & tools background, with a nice shared operating system (Azure).
If you're never going to update the OS, you might as.well lock it down and prevent all changes in the way they did for "windows for warships".. With no new OS, driver, exe,dll or hardware changed allowed there would be no worries about virus and no need for "MS support". It wouldn't be difficult either:one final NTFS filter blocking exe write or network/USB load.
Really, if you're going to take on something like this, you should go to the effort of learning it before pontificating to teachers about how easy it is.. Teachers will need to debug students code, so more tricky
she could have told the truth: (1) she's a tory flunky filling in before she becomes an MP (2) an experienced person would cost more than the government is prepared to pay (3) there's money to be made selling coding skills to Tory flunkies
I looked at it in 2003 but frankly it was a stupid idea in 2003 & it's a stupid idea now.. if they'd put the effort into IE instead there would be no Google Chrome. Even in 2003 the HTML forms could do most of what InfoPath could do, and if you're going to go to the trouble of installing a desktop app, you might was well do a proper one.
There is nothing particularly Marxist about objecting to price-fixing cartels; if anything cartels and other corrupt practices are a left-over from feudalism. Economist rightly point to the damage that these cartels do to the efficient working of markets.. morally corrupt corporations might start with market abuse, but pretty soon they’re selling pictures of your half-naked children to fizzy drinks companies (yes, Facebook, you).
Where Marx has something to say, is in the theory that Value is only due to the Labour that went into making it (gold is expensive, dirt is cheap).. and nothing else (owning the gold mine doesn’t count). Marx calls profit ‘surplus value’… which in IT terms means “all the money, that all the internet behemoths makes, should be shared by the workers who create the software”!
somebody has clearly been the victim of one of those "lets use every pattern we can" Java systems designed to impress (recent) University lectures rather than customers and users... unfortunately it comes across like the reformed alcoholic looking for probation... Interfaces & stong types are not a problem, inappropriate ones are the problem.
The IFood example is telling because it is an anti-interface (doesn't taste awful).. you could (with experience) define IFood to exclude plastics, but would have trouble with human sausages.. don't try to rationalise meaningless "interfaces", concentrate ones that describe a finite set.
"Factorial (n) {...}" can be inferred to be numeric quite easily, but inference that a non-integer values result in infinite recursion is "tricky". What we need is optional type annotation for cases where type can not be derived from usage: e.g. "Factorial (n : integer) {}".. we'll end-up using TypeScript, regardless of whether we try Dart first
The Irish American name now used by the British Loins Rugby (not ones for politcal corectness: Tripple Crown is for the Crowns of England, Ireland & Scotland).
Stout comes from old London Town, specifically Covernt Garden and only moved to Dublin for clean water
It's lazy journalism to compare failed projects... Like you were a skunk-fueled adolescent Lamenting "what's the point of anything". If you look past the buzz-words Obamacare and NPfIT could not be more different.
Obamacare didn't have a single project management authority; first thing NPfIT did was to hire a master project management contractor.
Obamacare website does little not than a GP survey to BUPA website; NfPIT was about the difficult stuff of healthcare.
Obamacare failed because it didn't do proper testing; NPfIT failed because it required clinicians (that couldn't agree) to test & signoff.
Oracle Sedona is technically a better comparison, but few have read about that billion dollar disaster outside a small IT community.
Lets all celibrate HP getting the gig, those Oscilloscope they used to make prove they know health! (or maybe that's just plucking random words)
You kinda need access to the KGB archives to learn which cyphers the Russians used after the war, but we did provide the Russians with Ultra intelligence starting with artic convoys to relieve the Leningrad blockade and ending with the siege of Warsaw when the Russians ignored detailed intercepts of German orders and left the uprising to its fate. Lawrence Olivier did a great monolog on Russian complaints about allied intelligence officers with Ultra knowledge allowed to fall into the hands of the Gestapo in the ‘world at war’.
Turing would not be interesting to the KGB when he died because his operational knowledge was ten years old, and his mind was operationally useless in case he was a mole. Fun as conspiracy theories are, it is stupid to think the security services would rather kill him than answer the question when he asked Police to call.
Which is a better case for investigation: tenuous Conspiracy or very real Homophobia?
Had the Manchester Police dealt with the complaint that Alan Turing made (that he'd been robbed), there would have been no question, no issue, and other gay men would not have had to accept that police turn a blind eye to homophobic crime. When police ignore a Man being beaten to death for being Gay, it is rather stupid for Peter to focus on the foolish notion that Alan was assonated.
The stupid conspiracy theorists should know Russians knew we’d broken Enigma, because we’d told them (but not how), so they knew we didn’t use it after the war.
Seriously though there is a need for feminist paradigms in programming language design, especially now that computers are so much faster, and algorithms need to be parallel/cooperative to get more done. Characteristics of a “Grace” language would include:
Agent oriented, pervasive multi-tasking.. agent decides when it runs.
Relationship is the fundamental abstraction. All agents interact through bidirectional relationships that define privileges through an agent’s lifecycle & relationships can change.
No information hiding and no delegating behaviour to a base class, exceptions guard access, relationships are viewable.
Every action can cause exception because legality is subject to type of relationship and every exception must be handled.
Agents cannot be killed, but you can ask them to stop.
Inversion-of-control is invasive.
It's all about price: specifically Google asking for a cut on Intel prices to stash in one of their offshore tax-free pots.. a cut they expect the rest of us to pay for. If they were serious they talk about paying Nvidia to build an ARM version of the Xeon Phi.
The OS that run the mainframes used to be distributed as source (OS/360,OS/VS2,MVS), but customers didn’t want it, and bits of the IPL code that boots it is older than some pensioners. The code is not the issue, it’s the people. Fact is a 55 Systems Programmer can’t be bought with a promise of promotion; its cash or dash. A 40 C-something has no real understanding of what that guy does and doesn’t believe him anyway.
We’re about to get one of those lessons in what a promise is really worth to a bright 20-year on (UK) minimum wage looking for a route overseas.. meanwhile HSBC & Barclays will pay what they need, and we’ll never hear about it.
Frankly, a distinguished aircraft engineer is better bet than some shmuck who’s pimped his butt round Silicon Valley or some fizzy-drinks vendor. Boing & Ford are serious engineering companies that under Mulally have gone to great lengths not to kill people (that wasn’t always the case). Microsoft needs to focus on solid engineering that nobody would want to replace; while scaling a large scale cloud that everybody could trust.
Given time Nokia phones & tablets will beat Apple by scaling solid engineering with clever quality supply-chain, which Boing & Ford have excelled at with standards.
2015 is not too long to wait for the right candidate.. and Bill can fill-in as interim-CEO until then
for embarrassingly parallel apps like Monte-Carlo simulation of alternative futures Phi wins over GPGPU (which wins for fluid dynamics) with little code change, especially for portfolios that need virtual function dereferencing.
No shelling cash to M$ (Phi has an embedded Linux kernel), doesn't run Windows (which is a shame because it precludes .NET)
When I started using: google, there were no ads (2000); the facebook, there were no ads (2003); Visa, there were no list sales; BT, there was no list sales.. at no time have I volunteered data, so I don't see a big difference between commercial or government snooping, given the warnings "searching for fertiliser bomb recipes may lead to police attention" or "facebooking in-a-relationship may lead to insurance being declined in 20 years" would help get a sense of proportion.
If I'd gone to Benghazi (Lance Corporal Gerald Fleming, Grenadier Guards RIP Salerno 22-sep-1943 was there), GCHQ would use every snoop to stop me being beheaded, but the facebook wouldn't even ban the video
My grandfather was a desert-rat in WW2; my daughter did a project on him, reading all his love letters with big red "censor approved" stamps on them. We're going to visit his grave in Salerno, but can't visit Tripoli, Benghazi (where he was hospitalised) or Egypt because some Islamists think they're at war.. " your suggestion would be what?" ... get over yourself, you're really not that interesting.
Consider this: comment on you weight on the facebook, and you'll get adds for diet pills that an NHS doctor would advise you to avoid; search google for anything, and you'll get targeted for ads; buy a postal subscription for "the economist" with a credit card and get telephone calls for "the time" newspaper; but lookup travel to Libya & accommodation in Benghazi, chances are, nothing..
So we're going to have application SSL over company encrypted VPN over hosting providers encrypted VPN over Telco's encrypted VPN, with Akamai distribution for all static content (to compensate for the proxy caches that don't work anymore).. and you'll still get the odd Tory MP outing themselves (by blogging about google ads for sex toys) & millions of people giving the most sensitive info to the facebook.
After spending millions putting TCP offload engines (TOE) everywhere, the political process & legislation will catch up and we'll all have to agreed to "fair usage agreements" that mean we have to agree that specific keywords {sarin, rape, murder, etc} will result in disconnection. Lawyers will make millions dealing with petty cases like "my internet was disconnected 'cus I made a charitable donation to the Rape Crisis Center".
We'll spend millions and get no more privacy, no more protection, and no more security
C++ AMP is a proper parallel extension to the venerable C++ language for execution on a GPGPU, that sensibly focusses on array structures that mapped as a block to the GPU without a load of copying (vector ->array -> GPU -> array -> vector).
Looking at the parallel sort examples highlights Java's aged problem that even at 8, you can't build something as simple as an array or pair/tuple {complex numbers, points, triangles, ...} because it does not have value-types (structs) for political reasons, so any parallel code will first have to copy into a (C++) library structure before execution.. critically limiting the usage.
The only real use-case of GPGPU accelerated Java seems to be fast garbage collection!
I really like my Lenovo Yoga because it adds another screen to my work environment for web, email and office while I do real work on a full-fat mobile workstation.. It's like a Surface (even runs RT), but was cheaper. For a Surface Pro to be a replacement for the full-fat laptop, it needs to have a proper docking station that allows you to plug-in multiple monitors, keyboard, mouse and secure network... the Surface dock fails in this department (no multi-monitor support). The docking station should also allow you to fold near flat (in desktop mode) so the screen becomes a glorified touch-pad and provide DVI/VGA ports to use that stack of old screens every firm seems to have.. and PCI-Express-3 is the port to make it happen.
So, Surface Pro 3 could well be a really good rig; Surface 2 will be good once they get the pricing right (that means waking-up to "free touch cover")
We seemed to have forgotten that Yahoo! search programs were setup when "the web" got too big for Jerry Yang to do it manually himself; and AltaVista continued to be a useful search engine long after HP got rid of all the staff (though mainly for babel fish). Web-crawling, indexing and search query has not moved on exponentially in fifteen years and would continue to work with minimal staff and electricity. They’d lose the edge in profiling people for targeted ads and maybe the SEO stuff sites use to avoid paying for ads, but now is a good time to say “Search has been cracked; we prefer privacy to profiling”.
Same pretty much goes for Xbox: amortise the costs and focus on synergies with other PC platforms & wait for Sony to go bust under the weight. Provided we don’t get obsessed by NSA/Facebook monitoring, Kinetic will be a big part of how we use computers in the 2020’s, properly amortised the Kinetic experiment with Xbox will save the desktop franchise.
One area ripe for change though is horizontal integration: Office on Android/Linux; Android-Java/Obj-C apps on WinPhone; .NET on other platforms; desktop apps on WinRT
Whilst it is a neat solution for the 'internet of things' where hundreds of devices could end-up in the range of a home WiFi hotspot, having an addressable chirp would make spying devices incredibly cheap and virtually undetectable. Baking in a ping-chirp that would wakeup and identify all devices would minimise spying.
Spying here is not the snowdam/NSA kafuffle, but the like of the Barclays/Santander criminal keyboard-USB intercept to pickup passwords.. when devices are cheap enough, every internet café/shared PC will get key-tracking USB sheaths.
To offset the spying risks, the standard really needs a 'ping-chirp' plug-and-play stack