* Posts by notiggy

3 publicly visible posts • joined 4 Apr 2024

Where do Terraform and OpenTofu go from here?


Re: For what it's worth...

It is cloud agnostic in the sense that you can use one tool (and perhaps more importantly one language) to control more than one cloud service.

It isn't agnostic in the sense that you can write one resource block that will do something on more than one cloud. I'm fairly certain that wouldn't even be a good idea. You'd either have so much bloat for each resource (to cover each cloud's differences) or you'd have a seriously limited tool by design (to only capture each cloud's similarities).

I've seen shops write modules that created resources in different clouds. It worked but they weren't pretty.

US-EAST-1 region is not the cloudy crock it's made out to be, claims AWS EC2 boss


Re: If only...

There's never a way to get rid of all the SPOFs. Anyone who says there is, is full of it.

How HashiCorp's license shakeup seeded a new open source rebel


Re: The Hyperscalers are forcing this

That's not even close to true. No hyperscalers use terraform, much less try to sell it competing against Hashi. Most of them don't even support it. They all have competing tools that they would much rather people use to lock them in. Maybe a case could be made for Vault/etc, but even then, hyperscalers already had secrets solved before vault was useable by mere mortals. Hashicorp's license change is nothing like MongoDB/Redis. I'm not going to guess what all was behind the decision, but the end result is most open source devs don't want to contribute to non-open-source projects, so a fork of some sort was inevitable.