* Posts by DVG46

3 publicly visible posts • joined 29 Mar 2024

DEF CON's hacker-in-chief faces fortune in medical bills after paralyzing neck injury


Re: "his insurance will only cover the first of three required weeks" of six months

My heart has a worn out natural pacemaker, worn out AV node and full block of the right bundle. Result is that the heart cannot pace itself at a rate greater than 80bpm, once it tries to go above that, it just gives up due to overload and drops to a ventricle only "escape rhythm" of 40bpm. A simple 2 lead pacemaker has me back up and running with beats up to 120ppm (capped at that because of my advanced years).

I'd be quite interested to know what the alternate heart fix is rather than having a pacemaker fitted.

CrowdStrike CEO summoned to explain epic fail to US Homeland Security committee



Q: What went wrong?

A: We f*kd up

Q: What action are you going to take?

A: We’ll try not to f*k up again.

AI hallucinates software packages and devs download them – even if potentially poisoned with malware


Not unlike us humans

Seems like these ai Systems are quite like humans, when pressed for an answer, if they dont know, they just make sh1t up