* Posts by Chrispyyy

2 publicly visible posts • joined 22 Feb 2024

City council megaproject mulls ditching Oracle after budget balloons to £131M


Re: So whose bright idea was it in the first place?

100% someone with shiny shoes came in from Oracle and delivered a presentation with pretty pictures to the smooth-brained senior management team. Anyone with an ounce of sense would've seen the word 'Oracle' and noped out of there.

Public Sector needs to learn to fail fast, but they need to be free of the shackles of politics to achieve this - and why would they risk their career by telling an elected official 'no' ?

Maybe bankruptcy will be accelerated when their VMware renewal comes through from Broadcom? ;)



There is no incentive for the consultants to finish this project in a timely fashion, they will bleed Birmingham City Council dry. Just like Oracle has done.

Anyone who has worked in public sector knows that consultants are normally the kiss of death for any project. If in-house staff can't implement and support a system, how on earth is it going to be viable in the long term?

Seems like a money spinner for consultants. Do a crap job and they will keep calling them in to 'fix it', infinite money glitch???