Re: If nothing just for the complexity
Varofakis is a lot of things, economist isn’t one of them.
352 publicly visible posts • joined 27 Sep 2007
Paul the Octopus was an Oracle, championships aren't the same without him.
We need a link to place a few bets on the pool games and see how accurate this is. If it works well, we probably can put some more cash on the finals.
A similar AI was used at the beginning of the premier league season back in August last year. It got the top 8 almost totally right. Not so good for the rest of the tables.
Other manufacturers are releasing new format a lot more than Apple does.
For instance, Lightning has been out since 2012. When it launched, Tim Cook said that it was there for the next 10 years, bringing us to September 2022.
Apple has already started to transition Macs (since 2015) and iPad (since 2018) to USB-C.
I expect the iPhone 14 to move to USB-C no matter the decision of the EU parliament.
Ultimately moving to USB-C will generate a lot of e-waste, and will make innovation harder.
Politicians should stay out of discussing standards.
I have been getting messages for years about upgrading to a new version of Adobe Acrobat Pro.
I've only done it because Catalina said "NO", and I need the bloody thing once a month.
These guys are developers, I buy software for a living and I understand their pain, but seriously, siting on your arse for thirty years?
At some stage you've got to upgrade your code, launch something new if it's too much work, or just retire. Looks like they chose option 3.
Microsoft will continue to provide updates to companies which pay for it. The way Windows Updates on 7 will work going forward is by checking if you have the "extended support license " installed. If you don't, the updates won't install
There is already a bypass tool out there for it so that you can pass the check. It's not 100% as it doesn't let you update using the Windows Update tool anymore but you can update manually.
This should give people another 3 years to upgrade to 10 or do something else.
You, my friend, are ready for Windows 10 LTSC.
No start menu, no telemetry, no Edge, no Apps, no interface or "features" changes for 2 years.
You just get Windows 10 and security updates.
It has been ultimate bliss since I moved over to it at the end of last year. I thoroughly recommend it.
The whole article is based on the assumption that both keyboard and battery are borked on the Macbook Pro 15 inch, hence it's a lemon.
They have idenitifed some 2015-17 Macbook Pro 15 inch having problems. Thosare totally different laptops.
As for the Keyboard problems on the new generation launch at the end of 2016, it has been addressed with a new generation a year of the "butterfly" mechanism.
Apple over-engineered themselves into a hole with it but it's definitely not a lemon.
My company which is quite a big M$ chill and probably one of the first to roll out W10 left right and centre has simply added Macs as a standard employees offering due to the sheer number of issues.
Hearing about people having problems on Windows 10 is now an expected backgroung noise at the office.
We've been getting the same type of apocalyptic analysis every December for the last 4 years or so.
The reports get more and more bleak until February 1st when Apple announce their income numbers and the share price goes through the roof.
This time around however, the reports started mid November instead, Apple has re-implemented Black Friday deals, and they are cutting prices in Japan and now supporting US sales.
Looks like for the first time ever, analysts could be onto something. The slowdown in the smartphone market is now catching up to Apple.
My only bit of non scientific input is that I manage IT buying for my company, and strangely, my supplier has run out of iPhone 8 last week. Looks like demand is indeed strong on the 8 versus the XR.
Finally if you want to trade-in a phone, there are tons of online vendors which will give you a lot more cash than Apple for these devices.
Nobody is forcing you to buy a fully specced one.
£799 will get you an 11 tablet more powerful than many laptops sold at the same price.
People spend close to £2000 for a MS Surface Pro, they run Office on it, nobody called them "idiots"..
I have 200 Engineers in my firm just here in the UK using iPad Pros with dedicated applications and none of them could be called "idiot".
There are different products for different needs, and different prices.
Actually, not having Office running on it is probably one more reason to use it.
The current version is dated 2016 which feels a bit long in the tooth. Although it's expressly not for desktop use I expect the 2018 version to allow for Office to run.
I'll continue to use a mix of iCloud and Office online in any case.
Trade doesn't work on number of countries but share of world trade of these countries.
The EU has free trade agreements in place with 72 countries representing 75% of global trade. We're losing access to all that, if and when we leave the EU.
It will take years to rebuild it. Nobody is saying it's impossible, we're just saying that the negative impact will be felt instantly and the positive one will take years to materialise, maybe about a generation.
The EU has got its fair share of issues but we know how to navigate them, the other guys, not so much.
That's not really ambitious, is it?
You already can get 10 Gb/s internet access in Switzerland for 50 euro a month, and that clown is targeting a tenth of that in 15 years.
Yes Switzerland is a much smaller country but at the end of the day 10 Gb/s should be the target not 1Gb which is old news in half the glove already.
The reason Apple marketshare of the PC market has gone from 3 to 8% worldwide by only selling high-end kit is because they're succeeding in the enterprise.
Tons of companies are now giving a Mac option as well as a PC option when ordering a new laptop. This was unheard of, even 3 years ago.
The tools are there to manage the Mac, the ratio of support personal to device is a tenth of the PC side.
Backward compatibility is something you Citrix VDI, not something you limit your CPU choice for.
Apple doesn’t like announcing things which aren’t ready or close to ready. Having things leaking 2 years early is either an attempt to manipulate the stock price and there is no substance behind the rumour or an unfortunate incident which could have serious financial consequences?
Hopefully, the next one they redo is the 5110.
It was my first phone, I lost it somewhere in the attics in the early naughties, but I am pretty sure I ever find it, it'll have 50% battery left.
Either you mean the X doesn't open with your face, which it shouldn't or you're lying.
I have an X and it opens with or without glasses, in the dark or daylight and even when not looking straight at it.
Granted, it doesn't do that immediately as during the first few days of use as it's learning but from day 3 or 4 it's fantastic to use.
"The no buttons on front idea is stupid."?
You obviously haven't used it. The swipe based interface on the iPhone X is far more natural and quicker than anything I've used since the Palm Tre. I hear the BB10 Hub was similar but I've never tried it so I won't comment.
Picking up an iPad or another iPhone, even + size, feels wrong after only a few days of using the X.
I would put money on Google developing a similar interface for their next version (Maybe not P but certainly Q).
Buttons are dead.