* Posts by a7i3n

2 publicly visible posts • joined 31 Jan 2024

Fedora Asahi Remix 40 served on Apple Silicon


You critics missed something...

I'm running Sway on my Asahi-Fedora installation (MacBook Pro). So Sway is an option. One other thing missed in the article was the fact that when you run Asahi all the Apple telemetry stops running as well. Probably one of the reasons it runs so fast. And finally, not a waste of time at all. 1. Keeps the Mac from ending up in landfill. 2. Privacy protection and a hedge over Apple's planned AI invasion. 3. It's Linux... As far as Wayland goes, if you don't like it don't use it. As an old guy, I remember that X11 wasn't so hot at first either, but that didn't stop me from using it and learning. If you don't like Macs use one of the new Arm laptops coming out. Just remember Windows will be running an AI based spyware that will capture everything you do. I don't waste my time on anything (except maybe writing this). I'm also a musician (50 years, three instruments) I have recording credits and a slot on a album that went platinum. I started as an amateur. Bless all you folks who play music for the simple joy of it! We need more musicians, poets, artists of all kinds. Whining self-anointed critics, not so much.

Asahi's Fedora remix dazzles and baffles on Apple Silicon


I installed the Gnome version of Asahi and found Gnome to not be all that usable (this was on a Macbook Pro M2). Gnome felt just a tad glitched. On the MacOS side of things I have MacPorts installed, which pretty much has what I need. I will eventually install the KDE version of Asahi (just, well, because). I've used Linux since forever, My first installation was on a powerPC based Bondi iMac. So I have a long history putting Linux on Macs. In the end it's pretty much about your personal use case though. For me, I like having an OS that isn't tracked by the Apple gods. In my mad schemes I picture my Macbook running hyperland on a full out FreeBSD (Ahhh...) That said, I'm fine using both Linux and MacOS as my needs dictate. The Asahi team did a great job on this and deserve all the praise.