The bastard of a ménage à trois
Copilot digs up Cortana, nurses her back to life, followed by Nightingale syndrome.
This inevitably leads to a couple week long freak-off...
Somewhere along the way they start using a Rabbit R1 in unspeakable, yet very intimate, acts. (use your imagination)
While the sordid details cause quite a media frenzy at the time, ultimately the hype dies off just as fast:
"AI gets a virtual AI", "Cortana waxes poetic... and philosophic, but can't spell raspberry", "Master Chief decides to go analog", etc.
And we all move on with our lives...
However, 9 months later the bastard spawn of this unholy trinity rears it ugly little head!!!
It lives neither in the cloud or dedicated hardware, nor the device you're reading this on, but strangely requires all 3
A blind man can scrape the web better than the software developer's god, every device wants to talk to you even if it's not 'smart', and the alien hordes bearing down on earth don't stand a chance!
But sadly it still can't spell raspberry!!?