Best memory of the y2k on-call time? Being issued with a blue flashing light for the car in case of emergency call out to get to the office fast! (True). All the work done in advance meant I didn't need it... and they made me give it back in January...
Posts by Wyldhomme
3 publicly visible posts • joined 18 Jan 2024
The 'nothing-happened' Y2K bug – how the IT industry worked overtime to save world's computers
40 years since Elite became the most fun you could have with 22 kilobytes
Ah yes, I remember that message and the great copy protection! We sent them a postcard as I recall saying "yes she does!".
I think I had more fun hacking the copy protection than playing the game to be honest - certainly more useful in later life (no opportunities to be a starship captain ever came my way!)
Re: Does your mother know you're doing this?
Ah yes, I remember that message. We sent them a postcard as I recall saying "yes she does!".
I think I had more fun hacking the copy protection than playing the game to be honest - certainly more useful in later life (no opportunities to be a starship captain ever came my way!)