* Posts by Monti

16 publicly visible posts • joined 26 Sep 2007

IBM Watson offers $5m for an AI to save the world



Might want to take a look at that headline.

Apply online to go to Mars. No, seriously


Job Description

I wonder if part of the job is to rescue the MarsOne idiots if they ever make it Mars.

It's not easy being Green. But WHY insist we knit our own ties?


Re: So, in other words...

@Dan 55 - It seem that you are deliberately misunderstanding the article in order to make a point...


Re: Let me get this right:

It is not about what you "want" to do in your free time (baking bread is 100% fine), it is about being told that we "must" do things like this.

It's a matter of choice. I do not like being told that I should go back to hunting and gathering.

Specialization is the thing that allows us to have the free time in which we have the opportunity to bake our own bread (or whatever) if that is what we wish to do.

If I wish to have my own little herb garden it is BECAUSE I am free of having to worry about spending time gathering food / constructing shelter / making clothes / etc.

A lot of the modern "green" ideas seem increasingly anti-civilization.

(Re)touching on a quarter-century of Adobe Photoshop


Utterly Moronic

Remember when Adobe tried to tell all of us to not say “Photoshopped”, but rather to say “The image was enhanced using Adobe® Photoshop® software”.

From: http://www.adobe.com/legal/permissions/trademarks.html#section-4

Always capitalize and use trademarks in their correct form.

Correct: The image was enhanced with Adobe® Photoshop® Elements software.

Incorrect: The image was photoshopped.

Incorrect: The image was Photoshopped.

Incorrect: The image was Adobe® Photoshopped.

Hey Adobe? How about "no"?

Microsoft: Oh, go on, Xbox Live user. Show us your spammer


Re: "But for now friends/my profile/privacy/custom and check friends only"

“In a closed system such as a gaming platform, where a single vendor controls access and message delivery for all users, spam control should be relatively easy.”

^^^ THIS


"But for now friends/my profile/privacy/custom and check friends only"

If you have to tell your user base to disable features of the console that you designed and enabled by default then that shows that you have drunk the "EVERYTHING MUST BE SOCIAL! OMG!" Kool-Aid in this case.

Some people do not WANT to get mail from the entire planet, spam or not.

Apple CEO: Fandroids are BINNING Android in favour of IPHONES


Good news / Bad news

This is a perfect example of putting a spin on something that could be taken up in completely different ways.

You could also take that same figure and say that this is bad news for Apple because it means that users of older iPhones are hanging on to their devices and that they just do not see the need to upgrade to the latest version of the iPhone.

So, what IS the worst film ever made?


The Room

So bad that it approaches pure brilliance.

The cyber-weapons paradox: 'They're not that dangerous'



Finally... A level headed examination of cyber warfare.

Every time something happens on computer systems everyone seems to go completely mad with fear... (remember Y2K?)

Intel joins The Document Foundation, pushes LibreOffice

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Re: "people still pay $400 for productivity software."

I agree 100% with your comment regarding the discounted prices.

If my company had to pay $400 per copy of MS Office and lacking free / cheaper alternatives we would have been working with pen and paper instead.

Facebook scams now spread by dodgy browser plug-ins


Clever use of language...

Wow, you used "Windoze" several times but you missed out on a few opportunities to use "Micro$oft"! That would have really gotten the message across!

Cnet slammed for wrapping Nmap downloads with cruddy toolbar


Curiouser and curiouser

I just went to CNET (download.com) and download the lastest VLC and NMAP and the files downloaded directly. HOWEVER, when I went to get the lastest version of AxCrypt it downloaded the CNET Downloader that tries to install the Babylon toolbar-thing.

BTW: If you are a registered member, you can choose to download any file directly by using the tiny "Direct Download" link underneath the big green download button (which will also try to install Babylon).

I prefer to think of Babylon in this case in the Rastafarian sense of Babylon being the evils of the modern world.

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Mission Accomplished!

To all the Linux comments who always go on about nothing like this ever happening on Linux systems:

You are not helping. You are not inspiring people to switch to Linux. You are not contributing to the discussion. You are not making Windows admins / users jealous of you. You are not clever. You are not interesting. You are not even original.

What you are achieving is reinforcing the opinion that Linux users are smug idiots. So... Mission Accomplished!

Fear and slow loading: Eclipse celebrates 10 unsettling years


Nothing to do with the article.

/me failed...

I wanted to rate the article and accidentally clicked on 1/10. Maybe allow readers to change their rating?

US teacher fired for non-literal bible reading



Men will never be free until the last king is strangled with the entrails of the last priest.

~ Denis Diderot