First, UK stole trillions of dollars worth of wealth from India over 200 years, pretty much piracy and theft. With that its a doddering geriatric nation. https : // economictimes[.]indiatimes[.]com/news/india/independence-day-how-the-british-pulled-off-a-45-trillion-heist-in-india/articleshow/102746097.cms?from=mdr
Then your top 10% stole even more, check Oxfam report https : // www[.]hindustantimes[.]com/india-news/uks-richest-10-took-half-of-colonial-indias-extracted-enough-to-carpet-london-s-surface-4-times-101737343013825.html
And then you took a flourishing economical area of the subcontinent and converted into a destroyed economy, by sucking those capital dollars out for your people to fatten up.
And you are so fixated on stealing that whatever India does to grow: all that is to be handed over to you? Not pirates but beggars now. Your "funds" are basically two types: advertising budgets to sell your economy to India and evangelist funds to bribe people to convert into a religion even you did not create. Pure evil that one. Its not aid, but your desperate pockets which want to either sell to India or bribe into evangelist conversions Not Aid. Your own government has stated as much.
No "aid" has been given by England only payments to sell your wares and your church wanting to add converts here as they lose parishes in England and we don't want your toxic hate filled money. You stole, nothing more for you. In fact your school system refuses to teach the horrors' of colonialism as you will "feel bad".
Whenever I visit London, it seems a land that drops even more in civility every year: fixated on Indian wealth, cribbing for our funds as if you are running Victoria's grand theft rule, and pure hate to every step India takes.
You are doomed to be a doddering has been, maybe one day being taken over by India. I hope not: connecting with people like you is a p0ison. Islamists taking you over is more likely to happen and for that you yourselves are to blame.