* Posts by Rameshbhai

10 publicly visible posts • joined 9 Dec 2023

First all-Indian chips to debut this year, 25 more local designs in the works


First, UK stole trillions of dollars worth of wealth from India over 200 years, pretty much piracy and theft. With that its a doddering geriatric nation. https : // economictimes[.]indiatimes[.]com/news/india/independence-day-how-the-british-pulled-off-a-45-trillion-heist-in-india/articleshow/102746097.cms?from=mdr

Then your top 10% stole even more, check Oxfam report https : // www[.]hindustantimes[.]com/india-news/uks-richest-10-took-half-of-colonial-indias-extracted-enough-to-carpet-london-s-surface-4-times-101737343013825.html

And then you took a flourishing economical area of the subcontinent and converted into a destroyed economy, by sucking those capital dollars out for your people to fatten up.

And you are so fixated on stealing that whatever India does to grow: all that is to be handed over to you? Not pirates but beggars now. Your "funds" are basically two types: advertising budgets to sell your economy to India and evangelist funds to bribe people to convert into a religion even you did not create. Pure evil that one. Its not aid, but your desperate pockets which want to either sell to India or bribe into evangelist conversions Not Aid. Your own government has stated as much.

No "aid" has been given by England only payments to sell your wares and your church wanting to add converts here as they lose parishes in England and we don't want your toxic hate filled money. You stole, nothing more for you. In fact your school system refuses to teach the horrors' of colonialism as you will "feel bad".

Whenever I visit London, it seems a land that drops even more in civility every year: fixated on Indian wealth, cribbing for our funds as if you are running Victoria's grand theft rule, and pure hate to every step India takes.

You are doomed to be a doddering has been, maybe one day being taken over by India. I hope not: connecting with people like you is a p0ison. Islamists taking you over is more likely to happen and for that you yourselves are to blame.

India spending $170M to take its tax system paperless by rebuilding three legacy systems



PAN 1 was the original numbering system and PAN 2 is no change to the numbering system. Its making the tax assessment and data collection paperless and automated.

I am able to get all my data on the PAN system, down to what payments, made where. Other than my business books which require a P&L to be made and audited, I get almost all my income details from the Income Tax website, and my data has been absolutely safe. These are crappy databases which are being sold and cheap for a reason: its probably fake.

My aged mom gets income from interest, mutual funds and pension. With all data properly acquired from the payers, for the past 3 years her return has been generated by this system, I just review and confirm. ITs that user friendly.

My business income needs a P&L. but all other data, including Capital Gains are filled by the very Income Tax System. Of course I get to review and amend if needed, but other than the P&L all other data is absolutely right.

PAN 2 is just the very same system being enhanced.

These half baked and agenda driven reports are a fake nonsense, based on media's general hate of anything Indian.

I filed my return on 4 Oct 2024, assessment done digitally and refund given to me on 6 Dec 2024. Almost 100% of returns have been so assessed and refunds sent or demands raised: of course some people will appeal, but the fact is that huge number of returns have been processed and closed digitally, within months of filing deadline.

Ask your UK Chancellor to do that. For Western media its absolutely impossible to not abuse a good indian system.

India seeks Artificial Wisdom and plans city-scale digital twin

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Re: Great advances...

Just the same way as a cloudburst or hurricane flooding Delhi is because Modi did nothing from 1947, every IT ad has to be used to abuse Modi.

Sorry, just take your sarcasm and put it where the sun don't shine.

Working from home never looked better: Leopard stalks around Infosys and TCS campuses


Inspection Leopard

The buzz around Infosys is that the ol' man sent the leopard to check that the employees were working their 70 hour workweek, and not slacking off in the dense, cool jungle around the campus. Now it seems, no body will be seen slacking around the greenery soon.

India inches space program forward with launch of X-ray polarimetry satellite


Re: Well done but who paid for it?

* USD 45Tn


The burn on English undersides!

Every time India does one better, the English whose forefathers stole $ 45 Tn from just my land and possible many more times from the rest of the world: take any progress as a personal affront. And they express that hate right here and in every English "news" paper.

To you all we say: Take a walk and carry a tube of burnol. What's burnol? An ointment you can buy in India which soothes burnt or inflamed or irritated skin and inflamed under-sides. Very effective.


Re: Well done but who paid for it?

You guys are so far back in time!

You survived with the equivalent of USD 456 Tn stolen from our ancestors.

And every time India proves its far better than the violent colonial English, you of course, take it as an affront.

Those days are gone: your businesses are now being bought by Indian businesspeople. So, stop this abuse. You give absolutely nothing, you have to return trillions.

In the meantime, its very satisfying to see you go ballistic and bleat in protest.

Infosys loses ten-year, $1.5 billion contract announced just three months ago


The Sad Status of Colonialists

So sad, a colonial who built his wealth based on straight theft from India, is happy Infosys has some problem to report.

Of course, the colonial impoverished India, but India and Infy have to pay London and NYC salaries! Of course Indian purchase parity is 3 or 4 x (which means a dollar gets 3 to 4 times what YOU can buy.

But then the colonial is extremely unhappy - his serfs have successful IT companies, send landers to the moon and Mars.

How dare they become uppity and upstage their colonial master?

Pakistani politician deepfakes himself to deliver a speech from behind bars


I can stand an AI voice over. But not these cricketing puns. I am going batty!

India set to launch Sun-spotting satellite on Saturday

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url - text www[dot]space[dot]com/india-aditya-l1-observatory-images-of-sun

You should find the latest on Aditya, its initial photos and probably also links to ISROs web and X handles.