* Posts by Gaz

4 publicly visible posts • joined 26 Sep 2007

Bike bonk bloke cops three years' probation

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It was bound to happen.

Considering the amount of drugs involved with the Tour de France this sort of thing was inevitable!

He obviously didn't come first as he wasn't wearing the yellow jersey.


Canadian prof develops drunk-driving sim


@ Pascal

"Actually, all accidents ARE caused by driver stupidity."

What about random tyre blow outs, chavs throwing things off bridges, kids running out, mechanical failures or black ice?

Who cares whose fault the crash is, stick the spikes on, it will make life much more exciting!


So, what's the first rule of Reg Club?


Thou shalt not...

... irritatingly point out the lack of an "IT angle" within any 'Odds & Sods' story.


TrafficMaster sells clients' location info to UK.gov


Not long now...

Soon they will force Motorbikes to have a frontal number plate, thus removing the currently held advantage of riding a generic fronted crotch rocket whilst obscuring your ugly mug with a dirty great helmet! Damn them all!

Flying cars may defeat their plan....
