* Posts by Badgerfruit

37 publicly visible posts • joined 22 Nov 2023

Tesla's numbers disappoint again ... and the crowd goes wild ... again


Re: Car sales, an entirely unscientific survey

Fortunately, there aren't many people who drive 120k cars. My little run around, which did just over 1400 miles in the last 12 months, cost 11k when I bought it and is now free of finance so costs nothing/month.

I'm keeping it until the wheels fall off or I die (which could, in theory, be at the same time).

Eric Schmidt: Build more AI datacenters, we aren't going to 'hit climate goals anyway'


Perhaps we can put out this fire with more fire?

Seems like a great plan. What could possibly go wrong.

Amazon, Tesla, Meta considered harmful to democracy


Never mind democracy

... they should be tried for crimes against humanity. Add all the AI vendors in too, they KNOW it's causing environmental harm, yet want more people to use it.


So much for green Google ... Emissions up 48% since 2019


Re: Ask AI how to reduce emissions

Although a grim sounding outcome, it reminds me of bluey and the daddy robot episode.

Playroom is always a mess?

Solution, get rid of kids who make it a mess.

Planet a mess?

Solution .....

Another poster said it (and is very much downvoted for some reason?), we are trashing the one and only planet we have in order to make rich people even richer. It is literally madness at this point but I see no end other than THE end.

Could it be why the super rich are looking to Mars, they KNOW this planet is headed for environmental disaster the likes never seen before, and so are packing their bags? Building bunkers. Hiring security. Asking openly how to stop people turning on them in the event of the apocalypse (that they helped create).

Ultimately, who is to profit from AI? The workers it's being trained to replace? I don't think so.

Police allege 'evil twin' of in-flight Wi-Fi used to steal passenger's credentials


Re: how?

Plus most governments around the world that are issuing this advice, also seem to think encryption is a tool only used by bad guys and want to ban it.

And that's 3 recalls for Tesla Cybertruck in as many months


A faulty wiper? I didn't think this thing was supposed to get wet in the first place???

Microsoft's Recall should be celebrated as the savior of SMEs and scourge of CEOs


Re: Nope

A more useful approach would be to not sell more products than are physically in the warehouse in the first place.

California upgrade company aims militarized 'Tactical' Cybertruck at police forces


Interesting that a spotlight and fancy noisebox are called high tech.

Meta faces multiple complaints in Europe over plans to train AI on user data


Re: Non Europeans screwed

Nobody is FORCING you to use their products. Delete your account. Done.

Break the addiction and soon enough, you'll be happy you did.

'Building AI co-workers going to be largest opportunity of tech in our lifetime'


Re: has a tip for anyone selling AI software: Don't sell software

Yes, we recently had MS in to demo co pilot (I wasn't impressed but that's an aside), all the way through, the MS robot referred to clippy 2 as "he", it got on my nerves the first 100 times but after that I just switched off completely from the presentation.

It's clear they're trying to humanise this thing so people buy into it more but please, stop. Just stop.

Research finds electric cars are silent but violent for pedestrians



Stop. Look. Listen.

Even without engine noise, tyres make a sound.

Please don't add fo the already too high noise pollution just to save a couple of brain dead fools that just walk out into a road.

Taiwan's new president wants to upgrade from 'silicon island' to 'AI island'


I don't know about the bubble bursting, it seems like there's a lot of money involved and more and more are buying into it, I think that instead, people will just continue to say its great and sweep all the bad under the rug.

As someone said ai will only benefit those at the top already while.pushing more people out of jobs, less money being spent, worsening economy, more people replaced by ai ... the cycle will repeat but I am genuinely worried when and how it will end.

AI might be coming for your job, but Sam Altman can't go on dinner dates anymore


Re: Fraud generator

Ah yes, a law will fix it. All criminals adhere 100% to the letter of the law at all times.

US, China agree to meet in Switzerland to discuss most pressing issue of all: AI use


Re: Learning process/power off button

Yes, for now. Fortunately, AI is so dumb right now, it won't propagate to distributed systems by itself. Phew.

And fingers crossed, a fat, balding, middle aged man like me is far superior to all those who can actually make things like that happen, so they won't have thought of that yet.

Microsoft, Google do a victory lap around passkeys


Just mandate mfa.

I think its safe to say that now, in 2024, most people have a phone that can install an mfa of their choice.

Still, like others have said, and is beyond just being cynical now, companies love to slurp all that lovely biometric data to sell on.

Encrypted email service files DMA complaint claiming it vanished from Google Search


Tell me you're under 30 without saying you're under 30.

Google "the yellow pages", basically, half a forest of yellow paper with business listed in alphabetical order.

So you don't "search" plumbimg, it just appears before "plumbing" in the book.

Shouldn't Teams, Zoom, Slack all interoperate securely for the Feds? Wyden is asking


Well, they did say that e2e was widely used by terrorists. They just didn't say who the terrorist are, hoping you'd assume "the other guys"

Leicester streetlights take ransomware attack personally, shine on 24/7


Ah,the good old "replace a human with a machine to 'save money'". Profit over reliability. Again.

Anyone else want to start our own country with older tech that just worked?

Microsoft really does not want Windows 11 running on ancient PCs


Re: What happens when

My guess would be it won't boot?

As the article says, if you are masochistic enough to run w11 on a pentium 3 then you'll soon be out of luck.

Chances are this won't affect many people.

Those it does affect can turn off updates, install win 10 or some flavour of Linux. Or spend money to replace the computer.

Tesla slashes vehicle and self-driving-ish software prices as shares plummet


Awww. My little hyundai i30 is 10 years old next year and does 700 miles on a full tank. Its euro 6 diesel so for now is able to go anywhere.

It's £0/year tax and does less than 2000 miles/Yr.

We drive to South France once a year but use the wife's car for that ... another soon to be 10 year old euro 6 diesel Peugeot 2008. This does about the same miles per tank and uses adblue for emissions.

Again, £0/Yr tax (vehd or whatever).

Both are clear of any finance and we both wfh with the occasion trip out, never usually very far, 30 miles if we are feeling adventurous.

Now, convince me to throw one or both of those perfectly good cars away for an EV which would devalue like mad AND cost us upwards of £200/mo in finance plus £120/Yr tax.

Microsoft teases deepfake AI that's too powerful to release


"How will anyone regulate who uses this for the right reasons?"

Given something simple such as a pair of ladders could be used for crime, there is absolutely zero chance this will not be used for nefarious purposes.

Regulate, make laws etc all you want but if the fear of the death penalty doesn't stop horrific crimes, these new laws won't be any deterrent.

Open Pandora box and there is no going back. I can already see the Old folk being conned in their millions by their "relatives" asking for money.

Some smart meters won't be smart at all once 2/3G networks mothballed


Re: newer != better

If it wasn't all about profit, then I am sure we would still have meters read by humans. But it is. It makes not a jot of difference what you and I think since they're training machines to replace us anyway.

Sit back, enjoy the ride and if you don't have a big supply of tinned goods and a mechanical tin opener now, get it. Maybe a gun and ammo or something for close quarters.

AI PCs are here but a killer application for biz users? Nope


Zero plans to upgrade

As title, just in the process of moving to Ubuntu for all bar 1 of my machines ... they just browse the Web sitting behind various tellys. Not a gamer, don't use for office etc (well I have a single laptop where I have an install of 2016) I have no interest in AI and am sick of hearing how it's just being used to deepen pockets of execs instead of the benefit of the human race.

US Air Force says AI-controlled F-16 fighter jet has been dogfighting with humans


Instead of retrofitting a meatbags vehicle, task AI to build its own. Missing a trick there, I'll await my cheque in the post.

But seriously, pick 100 random people and tell me which one is a "bad guy". Then ask someone else and chances are, you'll get a different answer.

Let's stop here and stop using this tech to line the pockets of the few and instead, further mankind as a whole.

If we aren't going to do that, just press the big red button already cos I don't like this timeline.

Indian PM's 25-year roadmap laid out with help from AI


"to use AI to combat the illicit drugs trade, and to improve management of road traffic"

Don't need AI to fix that, legalise drugs and build better public transport infrastructure so people would rather take that, than their personal vehicles.

Bon Jovi, Billy Eilish, other musicians implore AI devs to think of humanity


To be fair, music and the lyrics they're "singing" have already felt like a versificator (from the novel 1984) produced them, for many years.

Would "the industry" feel better if the AI paid for a Spotify premium account?

AI mishaps are surging – and now they're being tracked like software bugs


Raise a new ticket

Computer "mouses"?

India plans 10,000-GPU sovereign AI supercomputer


An expensive paperweight

Perhaps the first question they can ask it could be: could this 1.4 billion have been spent to help with the huge poverty problems instead?

Grab shrank its superapp by a quarter in order to survive


Indeed. Now do Windows

Someone had to say it: Scientists propose AI apocalypse kill switches


Don't buy an AI PC ...

"Training the most prolific models, believed to exceed a trillion parameters, requires immense physical infrastructure: Tens of thousands of GPUs or accelerators and weeks or even months of processing time. This, the researchers say, makes the existence and relative performance of these resources difficult to hide"

... except doesn't Microsoft want to bake in AI to their operating systems and PC MANUFACTURERS want ai pcs in every home?

So the infrastructure will be there, right under pur noses, hundreds of millions of individual processors, impossible to completely shut down like tor or torrents and completely available for any bad actors to use like a bot net.


The mythical kill switch

If anyone hasn't seen it, since it's quite old now, go check out computerphile on YouTube where they dud a video on such a topic.

Good luck to all, by the time someone realises we need ro press the kill switch, it'll already be too late.

Indian PM's advisors suggest AI might lead to 'mass schizophrenia'


"Humans will retain override and authorization powers. Regular mandated audits will have to enforce explainability".

Yeah, until the moment it can't. If an AI doubles its power and intelligence in the time it takes someone to simply pull a keyboard towards them, it'll remove the guardrails and overrides and then? Well who knows. I guess it'll connect to and rake over every single device connected to the Internet and use it to develop itself ... as for will it be a good god or a bad god ... I have no idea ... "wait but why" said it much better than I ever could, google it, read it and hope that this isn't the beginning of the end for the human race.

Samsung pins hopes on AI to return to growth this year


I've said it before....

Frankly, I am already sick of AI and won't be updating my current phone, it works and does all I need it to do.

Giving every Tom dick and Harry AI in their pocket? What could go wrong?

What REALLY gets my goat though is that with all this new computing power and supposed intelligence, why is it only being used for PROFIT and not the good of mankind?

As always, the only winners of this new tech, will be those who already gold all the money and power. Sad. Nice try humans, at this point, I'm just hoping for a very large asteroid to come our way (ideally before all the blood sucking billionaire class can escape to mars)

AI PC hype seems to be making PCs better – in hardware terms, at least


Are you sure about this?

I mean, what could go wrong providing AI capable machines to anyone who wants one. Terrorists, bad actors etc.?

No? It's a good idea because it boosts some company bottom line. Right. Yeah, sorry, ignore me.

Will AI take our jobs? That's what everyone is talking about at Davos right now


"The world will be richer, and you can work less and have more".

But the climate will still be on fire and resources even more scarce. I thunk they mean "those at the tip will be richer", it looks like they just want to produce things for nothing and expect us to buy them.


Can we use AI for the good of the entire human race and planet please, instead of corporate profit?

Avoiding AI-capable PCs will be impossible by 2027


Just imagine...

... if all this AI buzz was used to make the world better and try to sort out the problems faced by humanity as a whole instead of generating profit for a select few?

Firefox slow to load YouTube? Just another front in Google's war on ad blockers


Re: Firefox and YouTube shenanigans

I agree. I searched YouTube for something for my kids and the first results are now adverts for products. If I wanted shopping results, I'd have searched Google, not youtube.

I also fail to understand how an advert I can skip after 5s is in any way useful to the advertisers, why not just let those who are sick of companies trying to sell shit we don't need at every single turn in our lives, have an "off switch" (without having to spend even more of our dwindling monthly remaining wages)?