Good point how's reiserFS doing these days, is it still popular?
Posts by Robin Bradshaw
403 publicly visible posts • joined 26 Sep 2007
Linus Torvalds affirms expulsion of Russian maintainers
ByteDance 'would rather' torpedo TikTok than sell it off
Fujitsu: Miscreants infected our systems with malware, may have stolen customer info
UK and US lack regulation to protect space tourists from cosmic ray dangers
Microsoft might have just pulled support for very old PCs in Windows 11 24H2
250 million-plus reserved IPv4 addresses could be released – but the internet isn’t built to use them
Raspberry Pi Pico cracks BitLocker in under a minute
Re: Missed The Edit Window Due To Work Disrupting My Shirk.
Even if you steal the TPM chip you wont be able to recreate the state of the PCR registers in another machine so it wont be able to decrypt the VMK, you'd have to steal the whole computer and then snik the key.
Use TPM and PIN the TPM enforces anti hammer so you get i think 30 attempts at the pin then it locks for an hour per guess and it wond decrypt the VMK until you get the PIN correct.
ICANN proposes creating .INTERNAL domain to do the same job as 192.168.x.x
Driverless cars swerve traffic tickets in California even if they break the law
X may train its AI models on your social media posts
Microsoft pushes out PowerShell scripts to fix BitLocker bypass
Re: Data access governed by opaque TPM
What do you think a TPM actually does?
Its basically just a grumpy oracle that might or might not decrypt some data for you depending on how it feels and you can change how it feels by hashing data into its PCR registers.
For TPM only bitlocker the VMK is encrypted by the TPM and stored in the bitlocker metadata, then when the machine boots the bootloader takes the encrypted VMK from the metadata and sends it to the TPM in a message saying "Decrypt Plz?" if the TPM is in a good mood (ie the PCR registers 7 and 11 have the right value) it will decrypt this and send the VMK back (which you can sniff with a logic analyser)
Its a bit more complex for TPM+PIN as you have to send the correct pin to the TPM before it will talk to you but its not some super secret deep state control chip™
Thats pretty much it, thats all it does it either does or doesn't decrypt some data if its happy or not.
Python head hisses at looming Euro cybersecurity rules

Perhaps with a simple search and replace the same law they are proposing could be applied to the process of making legislation where those failing to anticipate every corner case of their legislation could be held liable for the damages.
That would, im sure, lead to the same improvements they are expecting this legislation to lead to.
US cyber spymaster calls TikTok China's 'Trojan horse'
Europol warns ChatGPT already helping folks commit crimes
London cops break into gallery to rescue lifelike art installation
Dell opts out of Microsoft's Pluton security for Windows
National Cyber Strategy will lead to BritChip for mobile devices by 2025, claims

Re: new strategy is to produce "a new microprocessor design" for smartphones by 2025
I cant wait for the blazing performance of the 100MHz dual core 6805 they will come up with, perhaps they will see great sucess running the no doubt fantastic mobiles they will use for the Emergency Services Network handsets when they finally switch off airwave some time in the mid 2050's
Microsoft makes tweaks to Windows 11 Start Menu for Insiders but stops short of mimicking Windows 10
Linux 5.13 hits rc5, isn’t yet calm, Linus Torvalds is only mildly perturbed
Re: Still brickin'...
Debian by design doesnt support non-free drivers or firmware out of the box you have to specifically enable that and that position will never ever change as its somewhat central to debians ethos.
Its quite likely that your network chip and gfx card require firmware and/or non free driver to operate.
You might want to look into installing the appropriate nonfree firmwares or at least whatever your network interface needs, then enableing the non-free repo and installing the rest.
You can also get unnofficial install media with the nonfree drivers builtin which might be easier for you.
Oracle sues Envisage claiming unauthorized database use amid licensing crackdown
China says its first Mars rover Zhurong has landed on the Red Planet
NHS-backed org reacted to GitHub leak disclosure with legal threats and police call, complains IT pro
Re: Sorry, Fail - Rob
Yeah how dare you *checks notes* clone a repo from github.
Dont you know everything on github is a private secret not meant to be cloned by the public.
Some of the responses are making me wonder how many people here are keeping private photos on and are going to act all shocked pikachu when they find out everyone can see them.
Do you expect me to talk? Yes, Mr Bond, I expect you to reply: 10k Brits targeted on LinkedIn by Chinese, Russian spies
Dont let the Russians steal your shitposts
I presume the "figure of 10,000 compromise attempts over five years was a conservative one" as they didnt count all the UK's operations or the ones were we were merely tampering with a linkedin profile in transit as that doesnt count.
Docking £500k commission from top SAS salesman was perfectly legal, rules judge
Doesn't this mean that their sales team are going to stop caring once a sale gets beyond ~9 million or so as they won't get any increase in comission beyond that?
So difficult to negotiate £27 million contracts will become super easy to negotiate £10 million contracts? granted possibly not quite so extreme.
What happens when back-flipping futuristic robot technology meets capitalism? Yeah, it’s warehouse work
City of London Police warn against using ‘open science’ site Sci-Hub
Re: Is Sci-Hub perhaps publishing
In fairness the CoL havent exactly covered themselves in glory running Action Fraud:
But then aslong as its individuals being defrauded and not one of their paymasters in the financial services industry they aren't going to care.
It only took four years and thousands of complaints but ICANN finally kills off rogue Indian domain registrar
Police drone plunged 70ft into pond after operator mashed pop-up that was actually the emergency cut-out button
Re: Touch screen emergency shut off?
Given that the whole world has been trained to click the piss off button on any popup (we use cookies/gdpr/use the app instead etc etc) that gets in the way like they were some kind of demented pigeon, so they can do what they were trying to do, even multiple clicks is not safe.
UK infoseccer launches petition asking government not to backdoor encryption
Re: Breaking encryption not needed
The other way to look at it is that ISP 's are businesses and will look to monetise any asset they control so they are probably selling that data, theres a reason they started squealing about mozilla adding DoH support
Spending Review: We spy a stray £60m – is that all you can spare to help 5G market recover from UK kicking out Huawei?
Software engineer leaked UK missile system secrets and refused to hand cops his passwords, Old Bailey told
We're not getting back with Galileo, UK govt tells The Reg, as question marks sprout above its BS*
Raytheon techie who took home radar secrets gets 18 months in the clink in surprise time fraud probe twist
Far-right leader walks free from court after conviction for refusing to hand his phone passcode over to police
Freedom of Information coverup clerk stung for £2k after deleting council audio recording

There is muck to be raked here
I just googled this case and found an article on the whitchurch heralds website* that quoted the judge as saying:
"All parties need to take a long, hard look at themselves. I suspect if the residents of Whitchurch saw those emails, they would be deeply shocked."
Which seems to be in reference to:
"[Young] found herself the subject of criticism from some councillors, which affected her health," said Mr Hanratty. "Including 250 emails from two councillors in a short period of time.
As they seem to have been evidence in court can you FOI request the emails so the residents of Whitchurch, and us in the peanut gallery, can read them and be deeply shocked?
Criminalise British drone fliers, snarl MPs amid crackdown demands
Re: Electronic conspicuousness
I cant think of a worse outcome than creating the conditions that would result in china making tiny ADS-B transmitters, pry one out of a crashed drone, prod the electronics a bit to make it report as being several jumbo jets vaguely near the current location, strap it to a seagull and head to your nearest airport to cause havok
DoH! Secure DNS doesn't make us a villain, Mozilla tells UK broadband providers
TalkTalk returns to the email hall of shame as Pipex accounts throw weekend-long wobbly
Well that's just spliffing: UK Amazon merchants peddling Mary Jane

Re: When the British were honest
An earlier date to consider, Tea smuggeling in the 18th century:
And with figures like "More than 3,000 tonnes of tea was smuggled into Britain a year by the late 1700s, with just 2,000 tonnes imported legally." That is either a few dishonest people drinking a hell of alot of tea, or or alot of people drinking suspiciously cheap tea no questions asked.
I imagine there will be some market for this in the coming years once we crash out of the EU end up with wto tarrifs and massive customs queues, what sane persons going to bubble up their suplier who's smuggleing in their tea and insulin
Crooks swipe plutonium, cesium from US govt nuke wranglers' car. And yes, it's still missing
Re: I work in the field
I think a more measured headline would have been:
"Pissing tiny speck of radioactive material goes missing, government to spend $275 on replacement"
I have no idea of the cost of the plutonium one but if your in the US and want a 10µC Cesium¹³⁷ standard United Nuclear have got you covered for $145 + $130 if you want better calibration:
Im seriously tempted by their Spinthariscopes though, but i have no idea if I can get one shipped to the UK:
Sad Nav: How a cheap GPS spoofer gizmo can tell drivers to get lost
Python creator Guido van Rossum sys.exit()s as language overlord
Who wanted a future in which AI can copy your voice and say things you never uttered? Who?!
Next; tech; meltdown..? Mandatory; semicolons; in; JavaScript; mulled;

Re: Tabs v spaces
"Gets really nasty to work out why the code doesn't work as expected if a mix are used"
Dont you have a just-fixit script to replace all tabs with 4 spaces? it saves loads of aggro when copying and pasting a mish mash of stackoverflow answers, some with tabs and some with spaces. :P
Voyager 1 fires thrusters last used in 1980 – and they worked!
As Google clamps down, 'Droid developer warns 'breaking day' is coming
Re: So, No Other Google News Today, Then?
Paul Hovnanian that was 9 months ago and was likely a leak from a medical isotope making lab, and was in the order of a few micro grams*, and given it has a half life of 8 days after 9 months there will be basically nothing left. It got plenty of sensationalist news at the time but the news didnt get across the incredible sensitivity of the detectors and the tiny amounts involved, It's like me farting in south wales and somebody detecting a whiff of that fart in scotland levels of sensitive.