I live in Espoo, Finland, and within the 5 kilometer radius, I have 3 few MegaWatt-scale datacenters, that are pushing all their heat to the existing district-heating network.
I also work in a campus, which has it's own small datacenter, that is pushing it's heat to the same district-heating network year-around. It is reality in Finland.
And the output from the heatpumps to the network is around 80 Celsius, so it is properly hot for the district heating, even in Finland.
In Finland, the datacenters will have to pay higher taxes for energy, if they are NOT utilizing the excess heat for disctrict heating.
Fortum is also operating a new 30 MegaWatt air-to-water industrial-scale heatpump for district heating in Espoo, and there are plans to build 3-5 similar in Espoo area.