Re: Shit at Glastonbury
You'd be shocked at what a Hungry Bacteria / Litteral Moss Filter combo can do to even very toxic waste.
28 publicly visible posts • joined 6 Nov 2023
You could do this, but you'd have to build new Aluminum smelters to do it.
Most plants are designed to have a fixed power draw, and aren't able to shut down, even briefly, without significant damage or disruptuion.
This is often solved by the plant having it's own power plant, that it owns, and only occationall excess being sold on the market.
There are some plants that take advantage of electricity prices, but it is unusual.
This goes for most industrial processes, having slack capacity is frightfully capital intensive, and frankly almost as unrealistic as having spare base load in form of SMRs.
You're all assuming this would run on the surface, which is a mistake, becasue of Solar storms.
Nasa already started thinking about this in the 80s, see the frankly wild proposal for a nuclear powered TBM in this fascinating document about lunar materials, that creates titanium-glass coated tunnels for habitats and or infrastructure.
I expect most .NET will be running on linux sooner rather than later, as people start shifting to containerized apps.
My current employer is shifting from Oracle based monoliths to .NET microservices running on Alpine-based containers.
Half of the devs aren't even running windows boxes for their dev machines.
Seems like some people here didn't really read the article, or aren't aware of the context.
Okta is an access management solution.
The type of account targeted, is the administrator account. A high value account that can give access to other things.
Local admin or no, doesn't matter if you can just delegate the Okta account you just created all the access you want.
Even if they have some mechanism to stop you from infecting everything with malware, you can just give yourself access to production systems and steal secrets, or approve bogus invoices.
"It is still not as simple as pulling up in a forecourt and filling up a tank"
Except that it kind of is. It might require a minimum of planning on your part, but nothing insurmountable.
EV's are more common in Norway than the GB, so we have more infrastructure, but even long drives are not really a problem.
Eg this summer me and my friend drove almost 800 km to visit our other friends cabin. He picked me up at my house which is about 6 hour in to the 12 hour drive.
We charged his Kia out of my wall charger, which topped it off over night. It didn't require charging before the return journey, and the charging was done while we went grocery shopping at the local store.
It did not require charging before he got home, some 8 hours and 650 km later.
My father has an EV and a hybrid, he's not been at a gas station for months.
The only time he needs to use a fast charger is when going on vacation. A quick 15 min stop at a service station every 4-5 hours is a good idea anyway.
The strait in question has a max depth of some 300 meters, an average depth of 180 and the western channel has a depth of 30 meters.
Depending on where exactly the cables are laid, you could feasably damage them with a rock and holding your breath.
Never mind what can be done with explosives and a disposable, home made, drone.
After SpaceX's wildly successfull efforts in 2023, a consortium of tech-bros and venture capitalists found the Jovian Sky Corporation to mine He3 from Jupiter's atmosphere.
Using biotechonogy developed in secret by Wing-Tsit Chong, they successfully germinate a fully fledged biological orbital habitat, which promply gains sentience.
The newly elected Pope Eleanor promptly proscribes biotechnology all togeather, swiftly followed by almost all religions, splitting humanity in two factions, the normie Adamists,
and the bioengineered basically superhuman Edenists.
Chaos ensues.
For real though, anyone who's paid more than surface attention to the F-35 program has to realize that it's fantastic value.
Sure, it's fun to break out the total lifetime program cost, and divide it by number of airframes and pretend each airframe costs that.
But if you get the F-35A variant, you're talking Gripen money. And nobody sane would trade their F-35 for a Gripen.
As someone who's been on the receieving end of missing training/supervision and then have gotten a bollocking for not following a procedure "that was obvious" and "I should have just known",
I have a lot of sympathy for juniors making a mess when seniors should have been checking their work.
But when you've been told to redo your work because it's unstable, you do not then proceed to make it more unstable, and then leave it to itself.
Oh no.
AI can't do a difficult research task. One that most humans can't do.
It's still usefull though. Say if you can't be arsked to actually write your own El Reg comments.
The prose is a bit formal, but it'll do.
"Not surprised that AI falls short in actual legal research; the intricate nuances and evolving nature of law demand human expertise and contextual understanding that machines struggle to replicate."
"Oh, what a groundbreaking revelation! AI struggling with genuine legal research? Who would have thought that the intricate dance of statutes, precedents, and human interpretation would be a tad too much for our binary buddies? "
Making ChatGPT sass itself is pretty amusing.
There are two types of tester.
The first is "That would never happen in production"
The other is "I wonder what happens if I put a zip bomb in this image upload field"
You need both to ship your product on time, and not have it be a disaster on launch.
uBlock and friends are usually on top of things, but for when they're not, I've got this handy script that opens and embedded version of the video I'm watching in the same window, neatly bypassing any ads.
I don't really understand what it does, as I don't speak JavaScript, and had chatGPT make it for me.
I store it in a bookmark called "Fuck off Susan".
javascript:(function(){const getURLParameter=(name)=>{return decodeURIComponent((new RegExp('[?|&]%27+name+%27=%27+%27([^&;]+?)(&|#|;|$)').exec(||[,""])[1].replace(/\+/g,' '))||null;};const VIDEOID=getURLParameter('v');if(VIDEOID){const containerHTML='<div style="position:relative;width:100%;height:0;padding-bottom:56.25%;"><iframe src="'+VIDEOID+'?rel=0&modestbranding=0&hd=1&showinfo=0&controls=1&iv_load_policy=3&wmode=transparent&autohide=1&safe=active" style="position:absolute;top:0;left:0;width:100%;height:100%;" frameborder="0"></iframe></div>';const primaryInner=document.querySelector('#primary-inner');if(primaryInner)primaryInner.innerHTML=containerHTML;}})();