* Posts by SomeRandom1

4 publicly visible posts • joined 26 Oct 2023

Speed limiters arrive for all new cars in the European Union


Re: The devil is in the detail

That could be it - an 2014 Insignia I drove did that. I'd pull up to a stop, car enagaged auto-hold and the engine auto-stopped. I'd shift into neutral and bring up the clutch and the engine would restart, run for around 10 seconds then auto-stop again. Garage claimed that was what it was supposed to do.

Self-driving cars safer in sunlight, twilight another story


Re: It's the kangaroos mate...

Lets assume that the car manufacturer is held responsible in that case - who would receive the punishment? Would it be the car manufacturer, or one of the multitude of component manufacturers that were used in the construction of the vehicle?

If it is the car manufacturer, would they even receive punishment? Every day we see $trillion software companies churn out products which they know have vulnerabilities. But when the end user is hacked there is no repercussion for the software company - yeah they have their get-out-of-jail T&C's, but there's no motivation for the software company to actually create quality software. It's up to the end user to deal with.

I imagine the same will happen with FSD - the person behind the wheel or registered keeper will receive "justice". Or perhaps simply being in the car makes you culpable.

Waymo issues software fix after driverless taxi hits telephone pole


Re: "blaming on faulty maps and code"

I'm presume they have a reason to ignore the built-in vehicle sensors, however even my old banger detects objects in front of it and will emergency brake. Was it Waymo who ran over a cyclist as they had disabled the car emergency braking sensors?

Vodafone and Wi-Fi vendors play tug of war over 6 GHz


Phone calls

Would be nice if they could just get voice calls working reliably everywhere in the uk