* Posts by markdiss76

6 publicly visible posts • joined 26 Sep 2023

Yes, your network is down – you annoyed us so much we crashed it


Re: Important word

Or even the much more generic "Authorised to make configuration changes", so they made them.

Digital River runs dry, hasn't paid developers for sales since July


VMware used them before Broadcom

Our last pre-Broadcom VMware renewal (November 2023) was done via Digital River in the UK. I'd guess at VMware prices that a huge chunk of revenue they lost when Broadcom took over.

I don't know what pressing Delete will do, but it seems safe enough!


and that would be when you find the disable option only disables the mailbox, whereas the delete option deletes both mailbox and AD account. I never assume consistency or equivalence across commands without first hand experience.

You don't get what you don't pay for, but nobody is paid enough to be abused


Re: is 10x $$$ normal?

On a true 1:1 leased line you have the option to get fully symmetric bandwidth as well, so 1Gig down and 1Gig up. If this was a head office and satellite offices/remote works connect to it that makes a whole WORLD of difference. In comparison a true FTTP consumer line will be something in the order of 1Gbps down and 100Mbps up.

Bank's datacenter died after travelling back in time to 1970


Re: radio ntp

This bring back memories, but of time flipping the other way.

Back in the Day was part of a team administering a Novell Netware 4.x network - pre NTP days, so we had one of these https://web.archive.org/web/20010411015625/http://www.galsys.co.uk/galdata1.htm keeping time set on the Master Netware replica from the radio signal in Rugby. One day it picked up some kind of erroneous transmission and set the network time forward to the year 2032 or something similar. After resetting it and correcting the network time we had the dreaded "Synthetic network time" on the eDirectory replicas as we were stuck with future dated timestamps until we ran the command to declare a new "epoch".

It was such a joy once NTP arrived with no single server source issues ready to blow things up.


No, no, no! Disco joke hit bum note in the rehab center


Reminds me of a similar incident back in 2003 where the startup tune for a team leader's Windows PC was changed to "Are you Ready for Love" by Elton John. Not realising that the windows startup tune at the time actually paused windows starting up. As the team leader in question had his laptop speaker muted it took some time for him to work out why his PC was taking > 3 minutes to log in!