What a moron!
I don't just blame this idiot for his uneducated, narrow minded attitute towards gaming, I blame the media for giving him a fair showing! I haven't seen any news reporting of him, but from what I've read he gets acknowledged as actually knowing what he's talking about.
If your kids think that plasma weapons exist, and that running around shooting people is fun, then you need to think more about their education and possibly about seeing a professional mental health specialist.
People like Thomson scare the masses, parents who won't let their children further than their own back gardens incase they get a cut knee or meet a "bad man" will listen to what he's saying and "protect" their children from these horrible computer games without knowing the full facts, these kids will find an alternate method of playing the games / getting the games. Education! Let's teach the kids that killing another creature (not just a human being) in cold blood (Although I'ma a meat eater so don't know how I would explain that one )is neither the right thing to do or is acceptable in society. Teach them to deal with their issues. And as the previous poster said, parents using computer games as a child control tool doesn't help the cause!