Not da best
A crappy bloated user frustrating software that tries to do everything and then is mediocre. And then every ten years you need to have ten to twenty people spend two years to “migrate”. Yup. A real valuable “partner”.
9 publicly visible posts • joined 22 Jul 2023
I’m in the same boat. We had an old MacBook laying around. Safari was way past due. Linux Mint to the rescue. Good for another couple years. Give it to a nephew who needed a laptop. And yeah. He wanted chrome. Fine. Done.
Hi fellas and galls. I’m a newbe. Just got Mint running on an old Toshiba and am happy as a clam. Here’s what I think. Most average people - like me - don’t give a crap what OS they use. They want to do a couple of basic things on their computers. Actually. Less than before. Mosty it’s email webpages archiving pictures and some light documents and spreadsheets. Let’s face it. Most of us are not programming stuff. And actually as smartphones do more and more I find the use case for a full fledged computer less and less. That is why many people are totally happy with chromebooks. I am not. Because google can suck a big one. And I’m not into windows because they are now a subscription service. So my only option when windows expired on my old machine was to buy a new windows or Mac or Chromebook. OR - I could put on mint and be on my way for $0.00.
So that’s it. No one cares what OS they use. They just want something that works.
But I agree. Chrome needs to do more to feed back into the Linux community. But it won’t. Because google can’t make money on that.
In the meantime. I’m happy with my mint machine. Tootles.