* Posts by Ah well

11 publicly visible posts • joined 4 Jul 2023

Semiconductor execs try to push UK government to do more for industry

Ah well

Re: Might as well ask the cat

He didn't, you just thought he did...

Ah well

Re: Nose Candy?

Why is the UK taxpayer expected to cough up money for these corporates who will shift any benefit abroad?

Corporate welfare.. Let the corporates go to a chip bank and get some donated chips there.

Dublin Airport staff pay data 'compromised' by criminals

Ah well

Re: We need to evolve

we didn't decide to stop. you just covered the whole countryside wth concrete.

No open door for India's tech workers in any UK trade deal

Ah well

Re: An economic slowdown and the spiralling cost of living helps to redress all of these issues

Dont worry they can depend on their corporate welfare payments..

Ah well

Re: This isn't the Brexit we voted for.

Like you really care about NHS workers, fruit pickers, HGV drivers etc, in fact all have had ther wages artifically supressed by the jobs market being flooded with cheap EU labour.

Even your salary is being supressed.

I suppose its okay since your child is not a fruit picker..

Ah well

Re: This isn't the Brexit we voted for.

So you prefer the useless idiots in the EU then.. yet you're still here.

Ah well

Re: This isn't the Brexit we voted for.

Like Blair and Lib Dems...

Ah well

Re: "Negotiating a trade deal will be easy"

They're not Torys they're "New Labour" self identifying as Torys

Ah well

Re: "Negotiating a trade deal will be easy"

Only if you have incompetent corporate shills in charge of making the meal, wouldnt you say...

Ah well

Re: I want COMPETENT, not cheap workers

Define successful countries....

Ah well

Re: This isn't the Brexit we voted for.

Thats a barefaced lie..