* Posts by darkrookie28

31 publicly visible posts • joined 28 Jun 2023

Angry mob trashes and sets fire to Waymo self-driving car


Without apparent motive

The motive was that the Chiefs, Reid, and Mahommes paid off the refs again.

Mozilla slams Microsoft for using dark patterns to drive Windows users toward Edge


Yeah but

This stuff coming from Mozilla is increasing hollow when they are trying to do everything to make FF a copy of Chrome.

Crunchbang++ versus Bunsen Labs: The pair turn it up to 12


Re: Start Menu vs Super Key

I do it all the time. Anything that isn't Steam, Waterfox, or Dolphin, I go thru the menu at home.

At work I do use the pin to Start since I can somewhat organize that.

I do not understand people obsession with using the keyboard with the occasional smudging.

Can solar power be beamed down from space? Yes. Is it commercially viable? Not yet


Re: Alternative uses

You could say the same thing about nuclear power.

Drivers: We'll take that plain dumb car over a flashy data-spilling internet one, thanks


Said the same things about TVs as well.

Then everyone bought a Smart TV anyways.

Windows boss takes on taskbar turmoil, pledges to 'make Start menu great again'


Re: Too late ..... much too late !!!!

Well I am 36

CLIs are simply wizard at character building. Let’s not keep them to ourselves


Software devs are outta ideas

So they are going to do everything again from the beginning.

Bricking it: Do you actually own anything digital?


Complain all you want

But this is the future everyone signed up for. Did it in droves as well.

Broadcom halves subscription price for VMware's flagship hybrid cloud suite


Re: Someone is happy....

Yeah, I don't have any of that.

HP sued over use of forfeited 401(k) retirement contributions


Man must be nice to have enough money to have retirement accounts.

Google, Amazon, Microsoft make the Mozilla naughty list for Christmas shopping


Why not buy utterly unconnected dead-tree books instead?

There is the issue of space, weight, and availability.

Bright spark techie knew the drill and used it to install a power line, but couldn't outsmart an odd electrician


1. We follow the rules. We have a book of them.

2. That was prolly the GC fault for touching things they shouldn't.

3. That is mostly for the plumbers.

Intel's PC chip ship is sinking with Arm-ada on the horizon


Re: No thanks

1. For now at least.

2. I don't know how to do that so that is meaningless to me.


No thanks

I do not want an ARM computer with its locked down OS which I will be stuck with and its lack of apps.

My computer should NOT become like my phone.

Sorry Pat, but it's looking like Arm PCs are inevitable



Most of the software I use and want doesn't work on ARM.

Neuralink's looking for participants willing to be part of human trials


This is like a scam to take advantage of the disabled.

Go to the site. Nothing on how the thing interfaces with the computer on the main page. Nothing on price. Just some picture of a phone on what looks to be a wireless charger. And a whole bunch of how this will help the less fortunate.

Seems fishy to me.

Watchdog urges change of HART: Late, expensive US biometric ID under fire


I thought it was the Hillsborough Area Regional Transit but then I learn about the Homeland Advanced Recognition Technology.

Portable Large Language Models – not the iPhone 15 – are the future of the smartphone


Yes. Let us stuff our phones with even more bloat that runs down battery.

Microsoft to kill off third-party printer drivers in Windows


This sounds like they are taking away the option to add a printer the old way with the driver from the manufacture.

The only thing that consistently works for all the computers here? That the only selection I trust for installing network printers is TCP/IP Device.

This sounds like a fun headache in a couple of years.

Shifting to two-factor auth is hard to do. GitHub recommends the long game


Re: Opt-Out

Kinda on you for using a hobbyist project as a dependency.


No thanks

My hobby doesn't need this level of security. More of a pain to deal with than any thing.

Also, looking for a new hobby.

Alarm raised over Mozilla VPN: Wonky authorization check lets users cause havoc


Re: Does anyone take this seriously?

1. Can do that. Hyper-V just make my computer run weird.

2. How do you do that if you don't have the IP already?

3. Nope, I barely understand how it works to begin with.

4. shutdown /s /t 0 for cmd and Stop-Compuer for powershell.

5. Its a piece of software that manages packages.

6. 80 is HTTP. I cant recall the others. FTP?

7. Network Address Table.

Middleweight champ MX Linux 23 delivers knockout punch


Re: this shoggoth of a startup daemon

Is the systemd hate some higher level thing than what I use Linux for. Which is just my home desktop whose primary purpose is to play games, browse the web, and watch videos.

I think I had to look into a problem once. I kinda like how the commands were similar to net used in Windows. But limited exposure to it except reading it.

Fed-up Torvalds suggests disabling AMD’s 'stupid' performance-killing fTPM RNG


Trusted Platform Module

firmware Trusted Platform Module

'Weird numerological coincidence' found during work on Linux kernel 6.5


Ah. I wondered why the rumble in my controller started working.



I saw 3-28 and just laughed at the Failcons again.

Florida man accused of hoarding America's secrets faces fresh charges



He is not Florida Man. He is New York Man.

We have enough problem here. We do NOT need him adding to the pile.

Three signs that Wayland is becoming the favored way to get a GUI on Linux


Moon Pie with jelly in it. Got it.


Sits quietly in the corner and doesn't care as long as his games and multi-monitor setup continues to work.

Douglas Adams was right: Telephone sanitizers are terrible human beings


Maybe I am too American

But some of the list I found on fandom doesn't make too much sense to me.

https://hitchhikers.fandom.com/wiki/Golgafrinchan_Ark_Fleet_Ship_B "The ship was filled with all the middlemen of Golgafrincham, such as the telephone sanitisers, account executives, hairdressers, tired TV producers, insurance salesmen, personnel officers, security guards, public relations executives, and management consultants. "

Telephone Sanitisers: Seems like a good idea to keep closets tidy. There is one I refuse to go into because of the mess and the spiders in such mess.

Account Executives: I don't want to talk to clients. Nor should I be allowed.

Hairdressers: I need a professional to cut my hair. Amateurs do not do a good job.

Tired TV Producers: Seems like a good idea.

Insurance Salesmen: Why stop at just insurance.

Personnel Officers: What are these? HR in UK English?

Security Guards: Seem useful in the right context. Prolly not a normal office building.

Public Relations Executives: Seems like a good idea.

Management Consultants: Seems like a good idea.

Five billion phones are dead in drawers – carriers want to mine them


Yes exactly.

How much am I getting and is the amount worth the hassle.

If its not more than $50, I am just going to toss it.